
  • Getting it ready

    As I pointed out before, sometimes when you are the busiest, and pictures would have been appropriate to document the busy times, that’s when you are least likely to stop what you are doing and grab a camera! Here are a few from the last couple of weeks. On a couple of really hot days, […]

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  • The Newlyweds

    OK, I was able to get a picture of my cousin Aaron and his beautiful wife, Melody, from my Uncle John. Aren’t they cute?! What you can’t see in the picture is their great personalities. Aaron has this gentle spirit that makes everyone he meets feel important and welcome, which is what makes him so […]

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  • More Cali pics

    It’s not that nothing has been happening, it’s just that SO much has been happening that I haven’t had a chance to take pictures. We’ve moved into our new place and are trying to get it to feel like home. It’s not blogworthy yet. So, instead, I’ll post some more pictures of my quick trip […]

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  • I’m Baaaaaack!

    Well, sort of. We moved into our new place last Saturday, and won’t have internet or TV hooked up until tomorrow, a week later. I am such a wuss! I am dying without that connection to the outer world. I had to come over to my parents’ house this morning, because I just could not […]

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  • Lessons from Auntie Tara

    I’ve been saving these pics from the 4th of Tara showing Carson how to play in a bird bath fountain. “See Carson? Just stick your fingers right here where the fountain comes out.” “Oh, okay! Right here?” “Right…..THERE!” “Hey! Was that supposed to happen?” “More!”

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  • Happy Birthday to Me! Part 2

    Instead of a traditional home-cooked birthday dinner or dinner out, I requested a picnic dinner at our NEW HOUSE! I’ll post more pictures when we actually move in. It’s a cute little place on a nice cul-de-sac. (Trent LOVES the fuscia door.) Perfect starter house for us, and perfect 30th birthday present! Strawberry-rhubarb pie for […]

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  • Happy Birthday to Me!

    As a dreaming teenager, most girls–myself included–like to imagine what our lives will be like as adults. Who will we marry? Will we be happy? What will our kids be like? My reality as I turn 30 could not be any better if I had manipulated it from a game of “MASH.” (Girls of the […]

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  • Beautification

    This is an example of the patience of Grandmas. Instead of getting frustrated that a toddler is invading their space and getting into their stuff, they just invite them to join in the fun. Please note Carson’s expression during the first 4 seconds of the video–it’s priceless.

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