
  • June 3, 2012: The Day Arrives

    Originally posted on June 3, 2012, the first day we met our son.  Well?  The day finally arrived and we spent about 3.5 hours with our son!  I can’t say that I’m feeling overjoyed about how it all went, but I’m overjoyed that we finally saw his face in person!  It was rough, but it […]

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  • June 2, 1012

    Originally posted June 2, 2012: Chatachuk Market This morning (after we skyped with the kids!  Yeah!) we met up with the Brenemans and braved the Bangkok subway.  Turns out, it’s an excellent and pretty easy system to use, as long as you know what stop you want!  Again, spoiled Americans, when you go to buy subway […]

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  • June 1, 2012: first day in BKK

    Originally posted on June 1, 2012: Morning: I wanted to let you know that we have arrived in Bangkok!  The trip was long–11 hours is too long to sit on your bum, and that was just one flight!  The third was 5 1/2 hours, also not short. Our layovers were both pretty brief, and the […]

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  • May 30, 2012

    Exactly one year ago, we were preparing to leave the country and travel around the world to meet and bring home our youngest son.  All the cliches apply, especially the one about feeling like it was yesterday.  It was, to date, the most emotional, amazing, difficult 2 weeks of my life, and I remember every […]

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  • Spider smackdown

    Look at me!  Two posts in two days! I was looking at most of my posts in the last year and they’ve all been so serious.  Although there was the one about cleaning up barf.  Heh. Which, by the by, after I got all preachy about what an expert I am, I overloaded the washer […]

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  • Lifebook Schmifebook

    Oh blurg.  I kinda forgot I had a blog for a while there. The strange this is, I LOVE writing. I love blogging.  But no matter how much I tell myself that my posts don’t have to be long or witty, I get stuck in the trap that if I don’t have a solid 30 […]

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  • Special Power

     This is my dear husband, Trent.  (The one on the bottom.)  He is pretty awesome.  He’s a hard worker, a great friend, and an amazing daddy.  The kids know this.  They long for him to come home at the end of each work day.  One Saturday a month he has a date with each child, […]

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  • We are Called to Love

    I know that I am prone to exaggeration and dramatics, but people?   I HAVE HUGE NEWS! You know that “retreat for adoptive moms” that I talked about HERE?   I forgive you if you assumed I had given up on the idea.  I have been kinda quiet about it and the dream was based on […]

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  • 9 months–how are you guys REALLY doing?

    **Hi to my FB friends!  I know I’m technically on a FB break, but it’s pretty clear that since I blog so sporadically, most people only check it when I link to FB.  This post and the previous one  (please read that one too! ) are specifically for our support group and future adoptive parents, […]

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  • 9 months–how are you guys doing?!

    **Hey FB friends!  I interrupted my FB break to post a link to these blog posts, b/c I really want to share them with our wonderful friends and family who have been so supportive! Love that you still ask about our little guy.  Here’s an update!** It’s been nine months since we became a family […]

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