
  • Christmas Cards!

    Some of you remember last year I dabbled in making Christmas photo cards. It was a lot of fun, so I decided to try it again this year. (And no, I haven’t been working on these while sick. Being sick has made me realize that I wasn’t going to make any new ones in the […]

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  • We’re a hot mess over here.

    Oh boy. I haven’t been blogging much lately. Turns out there’s a good chance I have carpal tunnel in my right wrist. Trent blames it on too much blogging and facebook, and yet here I am again! I’m working through the pain for you, my 4 readers. Also, our house is in a constant pendelum […]

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  • Bird Talk

    There has been a shift in the household during the last week or so, and that is that Sydney has become the more high-maintenance child. Now, Carson still completely takes the cake several times a day with complete and total tantrums, meltdowns, hissy-fits–whatever you choose to call them. But this last week Sydney has just […]

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  • The Patch & the Bling

    Oi. What a week! I took a 4 day sub job, and this mostly-stay-at-home mama is not used to the juggle involved with full-time working outside the home. Especially since we have no routine for childcare on length like that, the day-to-day rush of getting them ready to go, figuring out when they needed to […]

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  • Jogathon

    Carson participated in his first fundraiser last week. I don’t think he had any idea! His school does a jogathon and raises money per lap around the track. He woke up and I told him he’d be doing a race at school. Okay! Any prep beyond that would be wasted. I had Bible study and […]

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  • Picture time, it’s picture time!

    “It’s time again for picture time! It’s time to get your crayons and your pen-cils!” Remember that song?! That has nothing to do with this post. It was just a fun title that got me sidetracked. * I’m totally backtracking here with this post. I needed something to post about. About a month ago, on […]

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  • Things I’m loving this week

    Well, first, as I type this, my house is filled with the DELISH smell of pumpkin bread baking, and I’m loving that. So we’ll make that #1! * Also, we’re having a renewed love affair with our Wii. Yes, I said it. A video gaming system. I love it. Now, forgive me as I sound […]

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  • Four…so far.

    I can’t tell if it’s the simple addition of preschool into our lives (and all the book orders, field trips, fundraisers and drop off/pick ups that includes) or if it’s just fall and schedules really pick up, but we have felt SO BUSY lately! Thanks for those who commented on my last post. For a […]

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  • Gravity

    I was pretty vocal about my adoration for the summer show, So You Think You Can Dance. Each season I get pretty sucked in, attached to certain dancers and follow it pretty closely. Sometimes the judges talk too long or don’t make sense, sometimes the choreography is weird or strange, the costumes are hideous…what I’m […]

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