
  • Less Screen

    The first two days of spring break have been pretty laid back. Laid back usually means more screen time at home. At our house both kids enjoy watching TV/movies and Carson enjoys playing the Wii. We call it all Screen Time. It’s a constant temptation for me to allow plenty of Screen Time. The reason […]

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  • Trying something out…

    So, no news yet. For reals. But it’s all good! We’ve got a lot of “March” left. JUST IN CASE we have something to share later this week, Trent and I have been toying with the idea of a password protected site for whenever we happen to get pictures of our little peanut. I’ve never […]

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  • You wanna talk about WAITING…

    As soon as I start to feel bad for myself for this miserable waiting period, I just think about my friend Amy. We started our adoption processes and home studies right about the same time. Check out the roller coaster she and her husband Ken have been on for the last few weeks! I can’t […]

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  • Resistance is Futile

    Remember how often I’ve said I’m “not getting my hopes up” for a referral in March? Mmm-hmm. That ship has sailed. The USS Not Getting Hopes Up has left the dock and is out to sea in the middle of the Thinking of Little Else Ocean. I think it officially sailed when we moved from […]

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  • Praying for Ethiopia today

    So, in case I haven’t subtly alluded to the fact, there is a whole adoption world that exists online. My realization of it was something akin to discovering Middle Earth by Tolkien, only without the hobbits, elves and orcs. But I promise you–it is equally as detailed, with drama, suspense, twists, tragedies and some happy […]

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  • Painting with TWO and FIVE

    My heart is so heavy right now for the people of Japan. The pictures are so overwhelming, I can’t stop the tears when I see houses and cars strewn around like toys in a bathtub–knowing that real people were surely in those houses and cars. I have a tendency to be a bit of a […]

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  • Well said.

    I have some linkage for you. Several months ago I had a great conversation with a friend about “correct” language when talking about adoption. She gently told me that she was afraid to even have a conversation with some adoptive parents who get offended easily by those who are not educated in the proper semantics […]

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  • Perception, Presentation and Perfection

    There’s been a lot of buzz lately on the mommy blogs and adoption blogs about WHAT we post about. I’m too lazy to link to all of them but here’s one from Wendy and here’s one from Kristen. Both of them had great thought points that I took to heart–as I think anyone who participates […]

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  • Whatcha been up to?

    STORY: Carson brought this toy (below) to me the other day and said he found it in his room, but that it belongs at Mimi’s house. (I’m sure she really wants it back.) He was genuinely confused and concerned. “How did it get here?” he asked. “I dunno,” I answered absent-mindedly. He continued, “I mean, […]

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  • Fundraiser Update

    So, please don’t be mad, but we’ve decided not to post details about exactly how much money was donated to our adoption during the last couple months. Discretion?! From Brazenlilly? I know. It’s something new I’m trying out. 🙂 I want the focus to be on the God’s HUGE faithfulness and the HUGE generosity of […]

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