
  • Well…almost.

    I’ve been feeling lately that I need to take a little internet hiatus. To be honest, even though I’m not Catholic, I thought about giving up Facebook for lent, but with the chance of a referral in March, I knew I would not follow through with it! Then I found out that this week (starting […]

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  • The Elephant Song

    We have had….a week. I’ve had no energy to post, and no pictures, news, or amusing stories to post about. But there is one thing that I’ve been working on that makes me smile when I think about it, and I want to share it with you. Several months ago, I was blog-hopping and came […]

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  • Happy New Year!

    Today is the beginning of the Thai New Year celebration of Songkran. I’ve been reading up a bit on it, but in truth much of my learning began after reading Wendy’s post and K’s post, so you might as well go check out what they said! But one thing we know: the most popular way […]

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  • Big Girl Bed

    Oh, poor, forgotten middle child. When her brother moved out of his crib, it was front page news. Syd’s been sleeping in her big girl bed for almost a week and I’m finally getting around to posting about it. Par for the course, her transition was significantly lower-maintenance than Carson’s. She has slept every night […]

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  • TWO

    I was going to title this post “Number Two” but that phrase has already caused some confusion in conversation today, so I figured I’d attempt to avoid leading you to believe I’d dedicated an entire post to poop. (Although that’s something I’m entirely capable of.) * Yep–we’re number two on the waiting list! (If you’re […]

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  • Vintage!

    I was goofing around on my parents’ computer this morning, and found that they had saved all the digital pictures from when Trent and I went to Europe in ’04. We had 4 weeks between his finishing grad school and my starting. We used 3 of those weeks for this trip. The pics were taken […]

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  • WHY?

    Oh, this girl. She is 2 yrs and 9 months old. (The exact age her brother was when she was born.) I just love her to pieces. I think I kiss her about 259 times a day. She’s so silly and so cuddly. She loves dressing up, Nemo, anything with sugar, her Minky, her brother […]

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  • Aaaaaand…wait some more.

    Although we have not received the official word from Holt regarding how many referrals were made in March, I’m fairly certain that we will not be getting a match to our child this month. Strangely, as each day went by and there was no call (despite my sometimes embarassing DASH to the ringing phone–even once […]

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  • Choices.

    **FYI, we have not received THE CALL. I’m pretty sure this is not our month to be matched with a kiddo. I know of at least one other family who received a referral last week. I’m really OK with it. Will collect my thoughts and process more fully later this week when we know with […]

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