
  • … and the not so good.

    I hinted in the last post that my emotional state has not been uber-peachy lately.  I think each of us in our family is dealing with the wait and the looming transition in different ways.  Unfortunately, each of my kids is going through some really difficult behavioral seasons.  I know this in and of itself […]

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  • The good….

    Wow.  I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed these last few weeks…in many good ways and some not so good ways.  But one of my biggest blessings has been the hijacking of my blog to shower love on our family and our new son!  Thank you so much to my dear friend, Rory, who organized and implemented the […]

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  • Showering Love on Asher: The Giveaways & WINNERS!

    GIVEAWAY WINNERS!!$50 Thirty One Gift Certificate goes to:Aubry Maxson$50 Just Love Coffee Gift Certificate goes to:Maureen Hess$100 Total Blog Makeover goes to:Suzanne LewisOne custom designed Cash Stash Wallet goes to:Molly NemecekPlease email me at woosterweester@aol.com so I can get you your prizes.Thank you EVERYONE for showering Jen and Asher this week.You all made this so […]

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  • Showering Love on Asher: The Party

    WELCOME! I am so thrilled you decided to join our little blog shower. If you’re just joining us and wondering where in the world Jen is this should explain it. Now where was I? Oh yes, back to welcoming you to our party. Don’t be shy. Come on in! I bet you’ve been wondering what […]

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  • Hijacking Jen’s blog..and it feels so good!

    Hello friends, family, and fellow blog stalkers! Jen’s blog has officially been hijacked!! (Cue maniacal laughter and adrenaline rush.  This stay at home mom needs to get out more.:) I know you probably saw this pop up on your screen and were looking forward to Jen’s witty, succinct, grammar perfect posts that leave you feeling […]

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  • Celebrating Life

    Tomorrow afternoon we’ll be having a service to celebrate the life of my grandfather, Bob Mulkey.  He lived a long and happy life, serving the Lord in many different ministries throughout the years.  He passed away about a week and a half ago, going quickly in the night, at home in his own bed.  Each of the […]

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  • Important details

    This may only be funny to me, but I had to share.  Around President’s Day, Carson came home and said he knew who Abraham Lincoln was.  Oh, good ol’ reliable public schooling!  Thank you for teaching my son about such an important and inspiring historical figure.  First I saw the art project, then I asked […]

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  • I’ve been churched.

    I spent much of my childhood as a pastor’s kid.  Even after that season ended, church was and has always been a big part of my life.  I’ve attended several, received a paycheck from two, sang in dozens, and peed in one baptistry.  Ha!  OK, I can’t claim that.  It was my brother who peed in the baptistry, […]

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  • It’s a date!

    We got a long-awaited call this morning.   Since June 16 when we got the referral of an adorable little chubby-cheeked boy, we knew that the next step in bringing him home would be first approval.  This is when a Thai government social worker, who has been assigned your case, presents it to the adoption board of the Department […]

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  • Surprise gift

    We got a wonderful surprise this week.  The BabyHawk baby carrier that I have drooled over for months arrived via UPS–without a card or receipt or any indication of who purchased it for us!  I know it has to be someone who reads my blog, b/c I only ever put the registry information here!  So, […]

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