• LOST in a Time Warp

    Okay! I’m ready, everyone! I’m ready to discuss in detail the finale of LOST season three. You know, the one that aired over 7 months ago? SO. Who do you think was in the casket? How did Walt get there? Who is on the freighter boat and what do they want? Do Jack and Kate […]

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  • The Baffrobe

    Even before Carson was born, Trent has called him Baby Boy. He often says to him “Are you my baby boy?!” Which, you know, is pretty much rhetorical, but recently Carson has been answering. He says (and I type phonetically): “No! I not a baby! I big boy!” This is probably due to our encouraging […]

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  • Christmas from 33 inches

    That’s how tall Carson is, so I guess the camera would be a few inches below that at his eyes. It was fun to watch him play with the new camera, and also we each took turns taking a shot or two. This is right when he opened the camera and took his first picture. […]

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  • Sidenote:

    I did not plan ahead as well as Stephanie with my many posts, and thought I could arrange them chronologically. It appears not. You are obviously smart people if you are reading my blog, so start down below and work your way up through the mismatched sequence of events. It’s kind of like choose your […]

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  • These are some pics from later on the Eve, when we went up to Mike and Becky’s house. They were such good sports! They had just been home from the hospital for about 3 hours when we came wanting to celebrate Christmas and get our Jack time in. M & B also really had their […]

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  • Most of Christmas Day we spent in Newberg with the Tompkins and later that day with the Smiths too. Carson and I both got an almost-two-hour nap, and if you know me well, you know that was like a gift in itself! We also had a (sort of) white Christmas! I’m trying to get a […]

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  • On Christmas morning we try to spend some time at our own house before heading out the door to extended family. Here’s Carson with his stocking in front of the tree.Carson was on his best behavior for these two-days, which was a relief. He said thank-you after almost every gift (often prompted, but still!), and […]

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  • Peace on Earth

    Well, not exactly, but at least this little family can begin to connect with the rest of the world again. This afternoon a perfectly wonderful 45 year old geek (and I mean that with all respect and admiration) came to fix our “power” problem and we are back up and running. Thank you, all 4 […]

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  • Still cut off from the world…

    We are still without a computer and internet, so I’m posting this from my brother’s place. I’m choosing a few of his pictures too, even though they are pretty much the same as my last post. These are from Christmas Eve, and they are just too cute! This will have to hold you over until […]

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  • Old Fashioned Christmas

    And by that, I mean that we have been sans computer for about 2 days. It’s amazing how accustomed we have become to getting online several times a day, and how much we miss it! The other day, Trent was working online, while I was burning a CD, and Carson flipped the switch on the […]

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