• First annual. Definitely.

    Last winter when I blogged about a budding new ministry/non-profit that I was starting with my friend Amy, I referred to it as my fourth baby.  I never stopped feeling that way, beginning on the plane ride home from Atlanta when God started developing the vision in our hearts to the moment we walked away […]

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  • The 411 on C2L

    My mind is spinning each day with details, details, details about the upcoming Called to Love retreat.   I feel like I’ve talked about it so much that everyone I’ve ever met knows all about it.  But then the other day some friends asked, “Now, what is it exactly?”  It’s kind of like when I’ve […]

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  • September 23–ASHER birthday post

    September 23, 2013 Happy birthday, Asher Saran! You are THREE years old today.  I’m so happy that we get to celebrate WITH you.  I know we only missed one birthday of yours, but I think I will always be a little sad about that first one.  For some reason that missed birthday also reminds me […]

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  • September 22–birthday post

    September, 22, 2013 How is it your birthday again already?!  You just turned 7, like, a week ago!   I’ve just been reading over my birthday letters to you over the last several years, and there are some significant patterns.   Your personality began to take shape early in life, bursting onto the scene with attitude and […]

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  • Polish my trophy!

    Oh you guys.  This is so embarrassing, I simply MUST share it with the world. Today I had a major mommy fail moment.  It was so ridiculous it was laughable. First, I need you to understand or remember (depending on your season of life) what it is like to have a child who is BARELY […]

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  • July photo dump part 1

    I can’t fit all of July in one post.  It was a month packed with adventures and fun pics.  * These red headphones were gift for Trent for Christmas.  However, “someone” whose name I will not write, but the nickname is “Smasher,” snapped them after about 3 days, so they don’t stay on anyone’s head. […]

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  • June photo dump

    Yes, I know.  It’s September.  But it’s taken my big kids going to school for me to have enough brain space and actual minutes in the day to do some family record keeping.  Here’s the photo dump for the month of June. ** A sure sign of summer.  First piece of watermelon outside in the […]

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  • What does that look like?

    As a reader of Bible studies and listener of sermons, I’m familiar with a technique we often employ when looking at Scripture.  We read a verse, verses, a chapter, and then either we try or our teacher encourages us to apply it to our lives.  Sometimes that’s easier said than done. Recently I’ve come across […]

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  • Brotherly Love

    I have so many stories in my head that I want to post.  There are so many updates on Asher that I want to share.  My goal is to blog at least once a week this fall.  Again, not just for my 4 readers, but for my own memory-keeping.  But there is one story that […]

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  • Mental Picture

    At some point before my wedding, someone advised me to stop a few times and just…REMEMBER.  In essence, the suggestion was to take a mental picture of it all, to have a few moments that stand out from the rest that will surely be a blur.  (The phrase “mental picture” also reminds me of a […]

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