• How I learned to love my muffin top

    OK: confession.  I need to edit the title already, because that was kind of a lie.  The rest of this post will be filed under: How I learned to love accept my muffin top. And to be honest, even the accepting part is an ongoing commitment, not a done deal.  (And in case you live in […]

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  • 5 Stages of Summer Break Acceptance

    As a mostly stay-at-home-mom with two kids in school, I have mixed feelings about summer vacation.  I adore my kids, and love spending time with them.  They are three of the most funny, creative and energetic people in earth.  But during the hours and hours of unstructured free time at home from mid-June to the […]

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  • Little Ansel Adams

    Most of the time, my good camera is off-limits to the kids, but there are some days when you just really need to get dinner made.  Sydney asks to use it almost every day. So, one evening, I threw the littlest one (child, not camera) in the tub and gave the middle one my prized […]

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  • Living in the fray

    “I’m at the end of my rope.”  This was the text to my husband earlier this week.  He was at work and could do nothing about it.  Bless his heart, he’s so patient when I cyber-vent to him about my difficult days at home, even though he has a very busy job and often doesn’t […]

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  • Oh yeah. I’m THAT awesome.

    I think the Lord likes to keep me humble.  Just in case I get the kids to school on time two days in a row with combed hair, clean undies and no peanut butter on their faces.  I mean, that, right there, makes me feel like World’s Best Mom. Victory!  I’m awesome! But then I have a moment that brings […]

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  • Spilling guts under palm trees

    This last weekend I met up with seven girls whom I’ve known since college.  Back then we really were girls, but even fifteen years later I can’t bear to call us “women.”   We hadn’t all been in the same room since 1999. From Friday to Sunday we lounged in our chairs by the fancy […]

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  • Tic-Tac-tOH my gosh can we please play something else?!

    My adorable little 5 year old redhead just learned to play tic-tac-toe.  She got a $1 “Hello Kitty” white board fromTarget as a reward for good behavior and it has 3 tic-tac-toe game frames on it.  It’s been about three days and I’m possibly going to saw the board in half and put it at […]

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  • What is bloglovin?

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin! It’s the best way I’ve found to follow multiple blogs and see immediately when they have new posts.  It sure beats the old way, which was checking blogs when I remembered, only to find the same post on the front page.  Try it out!  (No, I’m not advertising for them, I […]

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  • IHMO: let’s not romanticize.

    *I’m doing a short series to highlight and process some things I’ve learned in our adoption process.  I’m calling it IMHO (In My Humble Opinion), because I’m not a professional, I’m not proposing my opinion is always the right one or the only one, and I’m even saving room for the possibility in the future […]

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  • IMHO: lose the rescue mentality.

    *I’m doing a short series to highlight and process some things I’ve learned in our adoption process.  I’m calling it IMHO (In My Humble Opinion), because I’m not a professional, I’m not proposing my opinion is always the right one or the only one, and I’m even saving room for the possibility in the future […]

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