• Please pray

    Please read Kristen Howerton’s blog post–link to the right and also here. She was in Haiti during the earthquake and continues there amidst the devastation, trying to find a way out. We know there is a possible missionary cargo flight she could take today, but it would take God’s hand to guide her through the […]

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  • Filler post.

    This was day #2 of “mattress in the living room” fun. Carson would stand at the laundry room door and run to do a somersault on the mattress. Sydney would mimic Carson. I was trying desperately to get a pic of them standing side-by-side at the door, b/c I thought it was cute. As usual, […]

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  • All day, people. All day.

    This is a totally random video, but very “day in the life” if you will. Our neighbors gave us a barely used twin mattress that we plan to switch with Carson’s rather old mattress. It’s been in the garage for a few days, but Trent thought it would be fun to bring it into the […]

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  • Warning: potentially offensive material.

    Now that I have everyone’s attention! Here’s a Carsonism, fresh from this morning. You see, Carson has been potty trained for over a year and a half, but still doesn’t wake himself up in the night to use the restroom, so he wears pull-ups to bed. Sometimes he stays dry, usually not. Early this morning […]

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  • Magnetic Personality

    No one can deny that it feels good to be wanted. To be loved. To have people care about you, pay attention to you, want to be around you. We’d love to walk into a room and have a group of people shout our name, a la NORM on Cheers. But, I’m here to report […]

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  • No, seriously. Who was that?

    “Who was that masked man?” Carson is intrigued by all things superhero related. He has an affinity towards Superman, because his daddy and uncle do as well. He also loves Spiderman, which is a perfect example of American consumerism at its best, since Carson has not seen even one television show or movie with Spiderman. […]

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  • Quick Carsonisms

    Me: Carson! You need to be QUIET!Carson: Mom, that’s just who I am. People NEED TO BE who they are.*Carson, playing with new little kitchen, pretend-sipping a cup:“Aaaah. This is a good cup of joe.”*“Dad, I want Mommy to read books to me. I love mommy, ‘cuz she’s a girl. I just LUV girls. Love, […]

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  • Crazy blessed–photo log.

    Oi! We had a crazy 4 day stretch of Christmas, from the Christmas Eve services to an extended family extravaganza yesterday. It was a marathon of fun, food, family and I feel completely overwhelmed with how blessed we are. The easiest way to demonstrate that is with the piles of presents we came home with, […]

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  • Merry Christmas

    Glory to the newborn King! Much love to all our friends & family today as we celebrate Jesus’ birthday!

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  • Tradition…TRADITION!

    I love traditions! Maybe because I come from a sappy, sentimental, love-dovey family–and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I love that my dad prays before we open gifts, that my mom makes cinnamon rolls for breakfast and minestrone soup for lunch. I love how when anyone in my family gets a BIG gift, […]

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