• Identity Crisis!

    I’m not talking about my own identity. I think I have a fairly healthy sense of self. I mean I’m having a BLOG identity crisis! The beauty of blogs is that they each have their own identity and purpose. Some are merely to post cute pictures for posterity and family/friends who don’t see the cuteness […]

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  • World, meet efficiency. Now: be friends.

    I *heart* efficiency. I value work well done and quickly. I greatly appreciate an employee at any level of status or pay who provides a good service, a quick step and a polite smile. Whether it’s my doctor or the man who pumps my gas–equally appreciated. I haven’t been feeling a lot of efficiency lately. […]

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  • Is talking learning?

    Oh boy. The trains of thought I have going in my head right now are on colliding together in a massive wreck. So many topics I’ve been processing and dwelling on. They don’t all connect or necessarily have anything to do with each other except they are living together…in my head. Some of it I […]

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  • Ansel Adams Jr.

    A little over a year ago, I posted about my new special camera that was small and pink and just for me. I guarded it vigilantly. For several months. In the past few, however, I’ve gotten a little lax in my camera rules, and Carson has also become more stealth in “borrowing” the camera without […]

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  • Remembering

    It’s been more than three months since the earthquake in Haiti. Since then, there’s been at least 2 other major natural disasters that have rocked the world and the press, but the Haiti earthquake still haunts me. I’m continually following the blogs and am very aware that this tragedy was a catalyst in our family’s […]

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  • Day to Day Stuff

    I haven’t been getting very many sub jobs lately, AND I’ve been sick, AND Trent’s been working some long hours, AND we’re on a really tight budget, so I’ve been feeling the HOME part of being a stay-at-home mom this week. I’m blessed and I know it. As the saying goes: Lord, grant me the […]

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  • New Blog friends

    I’m beginning to make the rounds of some blogs that I’ve been lurking, asking for their permission to link from my blog. Soon I’ll have enough to make a neat little list on the side! Right now I thought I’d tell you about a few. I am loving reading all kind of blogs that talk […]

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  • Kid Catch Up

    I’ve been posting a lot about our adoption process lately, so I thought I’d take a minute to update on Carson & Sydney. A lot of this is for my own records! You might think that I’m so involved in the paperwork and research for the adoption that I’m neglecting our 2 bio kids, but […]

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  • How far along are you?

    I’m beginning to get a feeling…similar to when I was pregnant. Everyone knows our news–we’re expecting. 🙂 It’s going to be a long, slow process, with little bits of news and updates, but a lot of waiting and/or things I’m doing that are not noteworthy or not blog-appropriate. “How’s the adoption going?” (aka: “How are […]

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