• Interlude

    We are in a crazy week between several days of being at the coast with Trent’s fam and several days of having some of my fam in town. It’s all good, it’s just busy! I don’t have time to post lots, so consider this your pictoral interlude. Also…STAY TUNED, because I have something very fun […]

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  • The New Yorker (part 2)

    This whole article in the New Yorker thing got me thinking existentially about parenthood realities and expectations. I mean, the greatest thing that’s ever happened to you is also the hardest thing you’ve ever experienced? Seems weird, but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. * It’s a digression, but I have to tell […]

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  • The New Yorker (part 1)

    Last week the New Yorker magazine ran a feature ad (on the cover, even) called “I love my children. I hate my life.” It is a fascinating read. I mean, is that even possible? What do you think? The gist of the article was that parenting, while promising satisfaction and fulfillment, according to academic research, […]

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  • Swimsuit Edition

    I need to give a shout out to Auntie Tara, who has kept Sydney in the cutest and latest swimwear this summer. Check out her other suit, displayed here in the backyard setting: And continuing in her fashion-forward trend, Sydney got her hands on a mascara tube, and obviously had watched Mommy closely, for she […]

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  • The Church of JPGs

    My in-laws took the kids after dinner for a sleepover the other night. I will never, ever take that for granted! This time, I chose to spend my 4 evening hours hunched over the computer, going through my digital pictures from the last 2 years. I did some organizing, deleting, laughing, printing (the primary objective), […]

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  • Buck up, camper.

    No one actually SAID that to me last weekend, but they could have and probably should have. We were reminded during this year’s annual camping trip how powerfully the weather influences our experience. The first 24 hours were wet and cold. I was having a hard time keeping a positive attitude. I had hand-warmers inside […]

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  • Three, not two. Five, not four.

    I’m still recovering from our annual 4th of July camping trip, which was a little colder and a little wetter than usual. I’m sure I’ll find the energy to blog on that…later. * There was a conversation this weekend that got me thinking. We were joking about expectations for our kids and we made a […]

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  • Naughty Genius.

    I would say “evil genius” but that just sounds a little too harsh. In case you haven’t heard of Carson’s most recent antics (I posted the story on Facebook), I now have visual aides. * So, Carson was playing the Wii the other day. A gaming system I still love and a purchase I’m still […]

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  • 2 down

    Whew! We survived Syd’s birthday party. Our little “family” party that used to be a cozy 10 adults is now running about 30 people. But man, do we feel blessed to have so many people love our kids! * Sydney has shown very little consistent preference towards any character or theme. The only things she’s […]

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