• Called to Love 2014

    Last year after the very first Called to Love Retreat, I wrote in a blog post: “This little ministry is definitely my thing.  Not MY thing meaning I own it, but rather it’s the thing for me.  The perfect task for my gifts and passion.  I have not been so exhausted emotionally and physically in […]

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  • The 411 on C2L

    My mind is spinning each day with details, details, details about the Called to Love retreat this weekend.  I feel like I’ve talked about it so much that everyone I’ve ever met knows everything there is to know about it.  But then the other day some friends asked, “Now, what is it exactly?”  It’s kind of […]

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  • Friday Favorites: nutritious and generous

    Some of you may remember my birthday post from 2013, where I asked you all to “like” a new business called Encompass Nutrients.  During that month, for every “like” Encompass received on f@cebook, they donated $1 to Destiny Rescue.  (Destiny Rescue is an organization very near and dear to my heart that fights human trafficking in […]

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  • Shorty Story: doctor’s visit

    I started to title this “Short Story”, but I accidentally typed “Shorty Story,” and now I like that way more.  Sometimes I don’t blog because I feel like it needs to be long and thoughtful, or long and spiritual, or long and hilarious.  Sometimes it just needs to be shorty.   So, this handsome kid […]

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  • Friday Favorites: Truly Remarkable

    One of my favorite things is bragging on my people.  And today I want to shout out to every person on the interwebs that I am SO STINKING PROUD of my friend KRISTEN BAUGHER! Yep, that’s her. <————- I can picture exactly where we were on a late summer day when Kristen told a couple […]

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  • Friday Favorites–Jonah. Yep–Jonah.

    With my track record, I must say I’m pretty proud of myself for two Friday Favorites in a row.  [picture me doing closed eyes, overbite and pumping fist in air]  And I KNOW.  It may seem strange to YOU that I can write about my underwear one day and God’s Word the next day, but […]

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  • Top Four Embarrassing Summer Moments

    BONUS  Moment #5: I never, ever, EVER remember that there are two “r’s” in the word embarrassing until spell check reminds me.  Never. #4:  Because of their frustratingly similar packaging–darn you, Target UP brand!–I literally opened and touched a glue stick to my face instead of the kids sunscreen face stick.  (Yes, I use theirs […]

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  • Friday Favorites, take 1.

    Well, hello there!  My name is Jen T. You may remember me as an ambitious mama who had great intentions of blogging, like ALL THE TIME last spring.  And then summer came, and situations arose, not the least of which being I had three adorable and needy children at my feet ALL THE LIVELONG DAY. […]

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  • Diaper Change from Hell

    Wow, summer is kicking my booty!  The whole “stay busy” strategy is working to avoid boredom, but not working to allow me any writing time.   But I’ve had two specific requests for this old story, so I thought I’d use a re-post to make sure this new shiny paisley blog doesn’t get dusty.   […]

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  • Mental Snapshots Only, Please

    My obsession with capturing moments on film began long before smart phones and Instagram and Facebook. In high school, I would spend way too much money buying film to take to summer camp.  While at camp, I was the annoying girl forcing my friends and any Cute Boy that crossed out paths to pose, or asking […]

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