Jen Tompkins

  • “Look at those blue eyes!” everyone says. I like it! Now get rid of this red block and give me some food.

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  • Shiny things and boobs

    OK, don’t judge me….I’m still trying to figure out the technical side of this blogging thing. I’m trying to post some pics of aforementioned precious baby boy. I realized I have dozens of pictures to choose from, but I can’t find one good picture of myself! That shows you who usually has the camera around […]

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  • But it’s so pretty!

    I’m in. I’ve totally been suckered in. My brother and several of my friends have these really cool blogs, but please! I don’t have time to take a shower some days, let alone maintain a blog! And yet here I am. What does this say about my will and discipline that I have caved so […]

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