Jen Tompkins

  • He Is Risen Indeed!

    We had a good Easter. It was a very busy weekend for me at church, but I always enjoy this day because it is such a celebration. This year was fun especially b/c we got to dress Carson in cutsey dress clothes. Thanks so Auntie Tara for the tie and suspenders outfit. Obviously, we waited […]

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  • Funny Quote I Read

    A friend is someone who you can call at 3 in the morning to come and bail you out of jail. A best friend is sitting next you saying “That was AWESOME!”

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  • More pics from So.Cal.

    Above are some more pictures of our friends spending some time with Carson. It was so neat to see these people who feel like my brothers and sisters getting to know him. Also, the gorgeous bride is my friend Stephanie, whose wedding was beautfiul and the main reason for my visit. I love the pic […]

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  • My Favorites Vol. 1

    This idea of random favorites is actually hi-jacked (sp?) from my new BFF’s, the P-jaks’ B-journal. I saw something in the Fred Meyer parking lot today that reminded me of one of my favorite feelings. It is when I’m a part of a caravan of cars stopping at a grocery store/gas station/fast food place as […]

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  • Pics from So. Cal.

    Here are some pictures from our trip to California. Carson was excited to meet Carlee, Haley and Keenan. His new buds!

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  • Going Back to Cali

    Oh my. I’m in So. Cal. right now (the OC actually) and it is so beautiful. I forgot how much I missed this weather. Today is actually a little overcast, but the other days have been sunny, 70’s and slightly breezy, which is exactly what I remember most days being like between March and October. […]

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  • The other day I took Little C outside to sit in the sun on that blanket. He was quite confused and kept squinting and looking at me as if to say “What is this bright stuff?” It’s sunshine, dear. I’m sorry it has taken six months for you two to meet. It’s so fun now […]

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  • Me and Auntie Beck We went snowboarding this weekend with Mike and Beck. Well, actually, they skied and we snowboarded. So far, I have only gone snowboarding about 6 times in my life over a span of 3 years. Each time I have some fun, but I’m not good enough to have a lot of […]

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  • Snooze

    I know some people think it is lazy and annoying, but before last September I was an expert and habitual snoozer–I hit the snooze button at least once every day before getting out of bed. And I managed to be a functional and productive adult! I’m just one of those people who wakes up VERY […]

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  • I haven’t had time to write anything new (just as I suspected before I was a blogger) so I thought I’d add these two pics. Even though the bath one is blurry, it’s one of our faves. I like to think he is waving with his toes.

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