Jen Tompkins

  • Making Friends

    This weekend we had a great time at the beach, staying in a cabin near Camp WiNeMa. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. It was also a good time for Carson to get some social exercise interacting with some friends: I know it looks like he’s about to pull her ear, which […]

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  • Picnic and Play at the Park

    The other day we slathered (real word?) on the sunblock and went for a picnic at the park. It was Carson’s first time there to try out some of the play equipment, rather than just sit in the stroller for a walk. He seemed to like it pretty well, even though all he could really […]

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  • Where I’m From

    A while back, I came across a template for a poem that was really cool. It took me a while to find bits of time to work on it, but here it is. I’ll probably think of a ton of things to add and change, but here is my first draft. It may be obvious, […]

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  • Look Out Elliott

    You know, all of the child psychologists and baby books tell you not to bother comparing your child to other children. It will lead to unnecessary disappointment or unrealistic confidence. However, I couldn’t help but post this recent picture of Carson, which reminded me of a recent picture posted by my BFF’s the P-jaks. Now, […]

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  • TJ’s Everyday

    Several years ago, my mom told me about something she read. It said that one should try to find small delights everyday…things that make you smile. The author called them TJ’s: Tiny Joys. So, since then, she and I have often shared with each other a “TJ” that we had experienced. (Sidebar: this acronym was […]

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  • Bath Time

    Water is an interesting element, and it is so fun to watch a little (almost) 8 month old comprehend its characteristics. What is this getting in my face when I slap my hands vigorously up and down? Why can’t I grab that long stream they keep putting right in front of me? But the biggest […]

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  • Shades & Socks

    Here are a couple more pics of Carson. They, too, are about a month old. I love the one with sunglasses from Aunt Tara. This Auntie is our shoe queen–she likes to supply Carson with all the latest adorable and trendy shoes. I love it! I find I have the most trouble with Little C’s […]

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  • That black guy with big puffy cheeks

    If that title doesn’t get you to read this post, I don’t know what would. I was SO excited about how many people commented on my dog conspiracy theory. I truly didn’t know that many people check up on me every once in a while. I love you guys! Then I started getting sentimental and […]

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  • Conspiracy Theory

    First of all, good news: the camera has been found. FYOOSH. Seconldy, a very wise man is coming to our church this weekend to talk about the fallacies of the DaVinci Code. Trent and I decided we would both read the book before that message so we could comment on it with some authority. I’m […]

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  • Voices–not as in “I hear them”

    I have two things to say. First, I am FREAKING out because I can’t find my camera. It has been almost a week and I haven’t taken any pictures of Carson and he is starting to crawl! We’re going to have to break into the savings account if it is lost, because I can’t really […]

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