Jen Tompkins

  • Horses and Hurts

    Carson experienced two firsts today: his first rocking horse and his first scraped knee. Incidentally…the two were mutually exclusive and occured at different times of the day. Thanks, Zeffers, for such a cool b-day gift!

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  • Birthday Boy–day one

    For my birthday I get fire?!? FINALLY! Frog bib? Good. Banana cake? Good. Frosting? GOOOOOOOOD. Who says kids don’t appreciate clothes? He’s practically hugging that shirt. Mr. Independent. Thanks, Aunt Tara, for getting a noisy toy that has an on/off switch.

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  • 365 days ago…

    …I was in serious labor, sitting in the hospital, having frequent and painful contractions, assuming that our baby’s birthday would be September 21. He evidently needed a little more cooking in the oven, because he didn’t come until the next day at 12:10 pm. Those hours are forever embedded in my memory, and I can’t […]

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  • Little Naked Piper

    OK, sometimes, I crack myself up. And many of those times, others are not amused. There have been points in my life when I actually had to pay people a quarter for lame stories. However, since you surfed to this site and are reading of your own will, no apologies. For some reason, this picture […]

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  • Seriously, Mom, this is so lame….

    I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but we are trying to teach Carson a few signs, as in: sign language. The one he knows the best is “more.” It’s supposed to be all your fingertips touching on each hand, then pressed together. Carson’s version is like the signal for “time out” or just one […]

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  • “Gentle! Gentle!”

    This was what I was saying for a couple hours this afternoon as Carson and I had a great playdate (after visiting Aunt Becky!) with three wonderful mommies and sons. Carson is the oldest, and we are working on him not mauling the littler guys. Here you can see he’s giving Nathan quite a push […]

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  • Say “Mommy’s psycho!”

    These pictures don’t have anything to do with the topic of this post, but you just can’t have too many pics. In the past few weeks/months, I’ve discovered a really strange cultural and verbal phenomenon centered around babies, particularly babies who can’t yet talk. That phenomenon is that we, as adults, talk for them. About […]

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  • Where did this little boy come from?

    And where did my baby go? Jacket: from Auntie Sarah K. Shirt: hand-me-down from GassawaysPants: from Aunt TaraShoes: new from TargetWatching our infant turn into a toddler: priceless

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