Jen Tompkins

  • What kind of freaky trick is this?!

    I forgot to write about a hilarious moment at Carson’s first first birthday party. (No, that wasn’t a typo.) Charlie (pictured) is Trent’s grandmother’s husband, and he is such a neat guy. Carson had warmed up to him and was sitting in his lap, when he reached in Charlie’s mouth and his teeth came out! […]

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  • How Many O’s in Zoooooology?

    Saturday was a gorgeous day, so the three of us decided to go to the zoo, which we had been wanting to do for a long time. We kind of had to lower our expectations for Carson’s first encounter with all the animals. I had imagined him staring, mesmerized and filled with joy by the […]

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  • Scabbyhead takes a bath

    Poor C-dog took a header onto the back patio the other day and now has a nice scab on his forhead. After the initial tumble it hasn’t seemed to bother him much. Funny story–yesterday at church we were down in the kiddo-land, and when someone asked about Carson’s owie Trent said he fell and hit […]

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  • New tricks, new loves, new stuff

    “Please” in sign language. It’s really only supposed to be one hand, but the double hand action indicates a silent, urgent whining: “Puleeeeeheeeheeeeeheeeeeeese!!!” TaDa! Superman showing his supersmile. Oh, Dryer, I love you so! Why don’t you hug me back? Ah, the first tent is the start of a true outdoorsman. Except, you know…indoors.

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  • My strength and my downfall….

    …is my addiction to pictures. I constantly am reaching for the camera, mediocre as it is. I know the joy I get from looking at these pictures, sharing them with all of you, and being creative as I scrapbook them. However, sometimes I’m so focused on getting the perfect pictures that I can’t just enjoy […]

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  • Quotes from the DaVinci guy

    I’m reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, the author of another somewhat popular book you may have heard of. Something about a certain CODE. There was a monologue in this book by a priest addressing the world of science. I found it interesting and provacative; it made me wonder about the author, since he […]

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