Jen Tompkins

  • It’s pledge time again.

    And not as in “of allegiance.” Let me explain. But first, a disclaimer. This is a rambling thoughts entry, NOT an blog announcement of any kind. Or “banouncement” as Mike coined the phrase. Back to the ‘splaining. Every woman, upon announcing she is pregnant, soon learns that there is a mass sorority among us…the sorority […]

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  • Happy Thanksgiving

    Truly, the list of things I’m thankful for is too long to even begin. Aside from health and jobs, the rest of the list is pretty much people, and probably mostly you who are reading this. God is good.

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  • Slow down!

    When I look at this picture, the first thing I notice is his cute outfit–thanks, Aunt Tara. But then I see that he looks like such a little boy…not a baby. Yikes. When did that happen? C-dog is obsessed with buttons of all shape and size–and the pot from the ricecooker. He uses it to […]

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  • Frequent Dryer

    It’s amazing to see how curious this little person is. He rarely slows down for a second, and is curious about EVERYTHING. We’ve also entered the new stage of climbing, where anything (lego container, laundry basket, mom’s leg, a book) can be used to get a little higher and possibly obtain access to the top […]

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  • And the tech-challenged saga continues…

    OK. After that diatribe, then I accidentally changed my setting so that only “team members” can comment. WELL. Maybe if you aren’t on my team you should be! JK. Now, I expect a LOT of comments. 😉

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  • I’m a dork.

    Confession: I have been feeling a little sorry for myself lately that no one has been commenting on my ever-so-timely blogging. So, I had a few moments tonight and decided to check to see that anyone can enter a comment. Fiddling around with the settings on the blogger host (which, BTW, has been having several […]

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  • Lions and monkeys and elephants and bears…and farmers! OH MY!

    This was the ultimate indulgence for five first-time parents who are so crazy about their cute boys. We dressed them all up PRETTY much only for this very picture. But wasn’t it worth it? They were adorable. For those of you out-of-town friends, I’ll try to put some name captions below.Elephant: Nathan Lion: CARSON! Bear: […]

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  • Sneak Peek

    Tonight is the real spectacle, as this little lion will meet up with his buddies the monkey, bear and elephant, but I wanted to give him a chance to give the costume a test-run.

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