Jen Tompkins

  • As promised….

    Cowboy Carson sports his new boots and hat–fit for an honest-to-goodness cowboy. “Howdy, Ma’am.” Ridin’ into the sunset. Or actually, ridin’ in one spot watching Clifford the Big Red Dog. This is Trent sharing some of his new iTunes with Carson.

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  • Previous Post Exposition

    Not a surprise. Surprise!These gifts have been brought to you by: coupons, future sisters-in-law and their sweet connections, and Black Friday discounts, without whom none of this would be possible.

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  • “What I did on Christmas Weekend” Essay and photos by Jen T.

    We are extremely blessed to have both sides of our family close enough to spend time with each group over the Christmas weekend. On Christmas Eve, we spent the afternoon and evening in Newberg with the Tompkins. Despite a lingering head cold, Carson seemed to enjoy himself and didn’t need too much encouraging or coaching […]

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  • Christmas Card Rejects

    Scary shadow lighting, Trent has robot eyes, and Carson’s familiar arch-back hissy fit. Each of us looks like there are about 100 other things we’d rather be doing. Pick a flaw. Escape artist. Too cheesy. Escape artist, take 2. I really almost chose this one, but I wanted it to be a family picture, or […]

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  • It’s beginning to look a lot like you know what.

    Carson met Santa today for the first time. The picture’s not really that good, and if Carson’s expression is a little less-than-enthused, it is probably because… He wasn’t exactly in the running for the “nice” list earlier today. But seriously, who could resist this?!? Yes, I did crop Trent out. Sorry, Babe.

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  • Dinner with Gma Jo and Gpa Roy

    Well, it’s obvious he had a good time. And at least they had him pray for the meal, which is good… Since they also are encouraging his drinking problem.

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  • Let me see this thing…

    Look! All kinds of small items I’m not supposed to touch! Hmmm…how come all the ones down here are made of wood or plastic? No glass? Now these are small and come off easily. “Choking hazards” you say? That’s more like it. I gotta call Grandma and tell her about it.

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  • We came. We sawed. We conquered.

    Well, actually, Trent sawed. I just tried to stay warm and took lots of lousy pictures with my broken camera. Carson just got carried around a lot. We are both pretty happy with our tree, though. As you can see (and as we probably have explained to you if you live near us), it looks […]

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  • Everyone together now…

    AAAAAAWWWWW! How sweet! Yesterday we got to babysit Henry over at our place. Carson absolutely could not get enough hugs and kisses in. As you can see by that last picture, Henry did not share the same adoration, but patiently endured the barrage of intense, persistent lovin’ from his big buddy. There are no pictures […]

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  • Hello out there!

    JJ told me recently that he had spent some time with mutual friends from college that I haven’t kept in touch with. A few of them said they have looked at this blog, since he has a link to it on his page. Every once in a while I hear about people whom I would […]

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