Jen Tompkins

  • More backyard fun time

    The sun was out today, and it’s been so long since we had a semi-warm day, that I totally forgot to put sunblock on Carson’s pale little head, face, neck and ears. So, for a quick fix, I decided to give him a hat to wear, hoping that he would uncharacteristically keep it on. It […]

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  • Having a backyard is fun!

    We ran outside in a brief break from the rain. This is his sign for help, and it is now adorably accompanied with an actual vocal request of “elp?”He kept sitting and scooting closer to me.“LaaaaaAAAAAAA!”

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  • Possession is 9/10 of _________?

    When Carson was only a few days old, my sister-in-law Tara came over and made a plaster mold of his hand. It was so incredible! We forget how TEENY those little newborn hands are! The palm was like the size of a quarter. We loved it and put it up on our entertainment center. A […]

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  • Slumber Party!

    We had a treat this weekend when Mike, Becky and Lilly came down for a spontaneous slumber party. The nice thing about being a little further away is that when we do spend time together, we really spend TIME together! Carson loved playing with his auntie and uncle, and especially having Lilly around to torment. […]

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  • Silver Falls Hike

    Today the three of us drove over to Silver Falls, where there are about 10 waterfalls and trails all around. We decided to go for the South Falls, and it soon brought back some memories of going there as a kid. Bummer. Bad lighting.This is Carson in the lodge for our pre-hike diaper change/potty break. […]

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  • Ashamed? Yes. Slightly proud? A little.

    The picture below really has nothing to do with this post. It’s just a funny pic of Carson in our new family room with his newish chair. But, back to the topic at hand, I had two nice long drives today, which is becoming a regular thing, and I began thinking back on all the […]

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  • TOO much!

    Oh. My. Gosh. (Sorry, Haley!) This kodak moment is just too much cute to handle. My mommy girlfriends were so sweet to meet me (kindof) halfway for a mommies and babies shopping afternoon at the outlets. We got lots of looks with our five boys, all within 10 months of each other. (Plus three identical […]

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  • The OTHER Tompkins

    Here are some more pictures I got from the Tompkins’ camera–that’s Phil and Linda’s cam, and Michelle’s too. I will narrate: Before Tara moved out, Michelle had this upstairs room and Carson loved going in there to watch Baby Einstein and the Polar Express. He would stand outside the door and knock until someone let […]

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