Jen Tompkins

  • GNO

    When I was in college, we shortened Girl’s Night Out to GNO. I don’t get to use that acronym that often anymore, but we were blessed to have an awesome Girl’s Day/Night this last weekend. Hopefully Jenna didn’t get too tired of hearing “music” talk and Steph didn’t get to tired of hearing “teacher” talk […]

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  • Budding sense of humor.

    Not quite blossomed, but budding. The other night in the car, Trent and I thought Carson was trying to tell a knock, knock joke. We would hear him quietly saying to himself: Knock, knock. Uh-oh. Hehehehe. We have no idea if that was, in fact, what he was doing and if so, where he heard […]

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  • I am woman! Smell me!

    So, I know I’ve commented a few other times about the identity struggle that we girls go through when we become a mom (not to mention turn 30) and although we wouldn’t trade our lives now for anything in the world…every once in a while we miss being young(er) and thin(ner) with more time and […]

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  • One more Birthday post

    First, I want to say that nothing I post right now will be as awesome as the most recent pictures of MY NEPHEW! So, check that out first if you haven’t already. Carson got some pretty cool gifts from his loving family. I hate to highlight one and not the other for fear of hurting […]

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  • Elmo has left the building.

    We had a really fun day today for Carson’s birthday. We had a little party this afternoon for just our families, but that turns out to be a decent-sized group of people who spoil C-dog. Plus, you know, I had my heart set on some seriously cool Elmo cupcakes and decor. But there was only […]

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  • Interview with a Toddler

    I like to try doing little interviews with Carson. It’s always a fun challenge and even when the results are not what I wanted, they are pretty cute. I mean, to get him to answer or repeat what I want him to is usually an exercise in futility. Also, he really only sits still for […]

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  • I’d like to make a dedication… vol. 3

    …to my new favorite show, and EMMY WINNER: 30 Rock. I know I’ve chatted up many of you about this show, because I started loving it when it premiered last fall. I think that creator/writer/lead actress Tina Fey is one of the funniest women in show business, and this show is my new comfort television. […]

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  • Another fun first

    We have some dear friends with three kids with whom we have gone camping a couple times. Their kids have SO much fun, and get SO dirty. The mom, Michelle, and I talked about how she is totally fine with this, and almost feels like the dirtier they get, the more fun they are having. […]

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  • Horse Play

    My apologies to Henry, because I pulled the camera out after he and his mommy left Jenna’s suprise 30th b-day party the other day. And it was one of the first times he was WALKING around with the other boys! The three remaining boys were having fun running around and playing with each other, and […]

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