Jen Tompkins

  • Brazen History

    I recently got a bee in my bonnet about scrapbooking some old family pictures. I don’t have the time or energy for a full-blown family scrapbook of my ancestors leading up to me, and I don’t even really have a PLAN about which era I’m going to record, but I knew I needed to digitize […]

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  • T.G.I.S.

    Don’t you love Saturdays? I love them. And this is the first one in quite some time that we have been home and Trent hasn’t had to work. I don’t really notice anyone else who notifies the rest of the blog world about their mundane daily updates, but I feel the need to post every […]

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  • Go glo-sticks!

    What started out as a trinket from the $1 bin at Michael’s to occupy Carson while I found what I needed turned into quite a bit of fun for us at home. These glow sticks were cheap, but they worked, especially when we went into the window-less laundry room, where we spend two separate sessions […]

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  • Am I first?

    A few of us in our blog family participated in an annual family tradition of the pumpkin patch last Saturday. I didn’t get a ton of pictures, but I got a few keepers. Hopefully more will come from Steph and Peaby. Enjoy!

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  • A Walk and a Hat

    We finally got a chance to go for a walk today. Walks are different now. It used to be a time of exercise for me, with Carson in a stroller. He is no longer content in a stroller for longer than, oh, I’d say about 10 yards. Actually, make that 10 feet. So walks are […]

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  • Top Five Things I Have Learned about Substitute Teaching in the Last Three Weeks

    5. Don’t forget to put your deoderant on. Nothing can make you feel more like the crazy, self-conscious middle school students you are teaching than pinning your elbows to your waist all afternoon for fear of someone smelling you. 4. Always check your shoes on different surfaces before you leave the house. Loud, squeaky shoes […]

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  • Such a steal!

    This random post is for my Oregon blog readers…at least I think this only applies to you. If you have never purchased spices in the bulk food section at Winco…you are really missing out! I decided I was craving the taste and smell of pumpkin bread, and that instead of paying $1.85 for one slice […]

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  • Great Grands

    I have been meaning to spend more time with my grandparents now that I live closer to them. Of course those intentions don’t always become reality, but we had a fun chance to spend some time with them this afternoon. I brought my camera to capture some shots of Carson with his great-grandparents. Carson enjoys […]

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