Jen Tompkins


    We finally got our act together and forked over the $3.50 to get play sand for Carson’s sand table (Christmas gift–if you remember.) As you can see, the sand has the ability to make any new toy look like it’s been used for years. Carson took to it right away, even though we were quickly […]

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  • What stinks?

    OK, this is a horribly out-of-focus pic of Baby Jack, but I think it is still pretty funny. This was taken in a room full of five un-potty-trained boys, so we’re not sure who he was smelling.

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  • 16 weeks (aka: 4 months-ish)

    I’m quite sure I’ve started feeling the baby move, which is always amazing. The first time was in church, during an especially long prayer. It’s kind of like Phoebe/Phoebo is saying: “Hey…get ready! I’m really in here and I’m coming out eventually!”

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  • My Perfect

    Sometimes we snap at each other. Sometimes we nag each other. Sometimes we roll our eyes at each other. Sometimes the little one drives us so crazy we want to scream. Our family is not perfect. But something about this picture reminds me that in our imperfection, we find joy. Three flawed people, loving each […]

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  • Just for fun.

    “Oh, Daddy, you are so silly!”” Is it just me, or do we kind of look alike?” Whachoo talkin’ ’bout, Mommy? Or in Carson’s actual dialect: “No, it NOT bed time!”

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  • Pregnant Musings Vol. 1

    Sorry, no pictures yet. Partly because I do NOT feel like being the subject of a picture right now and partly because I just haven’t remembered to ask someone to take one. We are safely into the second trimester of the pregnancy of our second child. I’m about 15 weeks (for those of you who […]

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  • For Trent and Howie

    Here’s a post for those of you, yes, my husband included, who skip to the next blog if there are no pictures. These are some misc shots from December. It turns out there is a tradition in our new town that the fire department sends around fire trucks to the neighborhoods with Santa on the […]

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