Jen Tompkins

  • My Favorites Vol. 3

    Plain old sugar cookies. Betty Crocker recipe. Powdered sugar frosting. Cooked just right…not at all brown or crispy. Sprinkles optional. Oh. My. Gosh. I love them. Even when I made them at 10:30 at night because I forgot I signed up to bring cookies to Bible study the next morning. Heck yeah, there is one […]

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  • Make yourself at home.

    This is one of Carson’s favorite places to sit/rest/read/watch TV. It fits him pretty well! He’s found himself there a bit more this weekend, as I’ve been sick. “Sick” is used loosely, as our dear friends in California have been dealing with a sickness that really puts my miseries into perspective. If you can’t tell […]

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  • This just in….part 2.

    I had to have some blood work done today, and I took Carson. It was supposed to be a short visit, but because of miscommunication and lost paperwork, we were there almost an hour. Carson was very patient. My version for him was that I had to have a “shot” so they could check on […]

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  • This just in…

    I’m sitting in the computer/soon-to-be-new-baby’s room, and Carson is playing in his room in a rare moment of self-entertainment. He is pretending to talk to someone/thing, I’m pretty sure it’s a dog. (I think I overheard the name Riley, which is his Auntie’s dog’s name.) I heard “No no!” and then “Uh-oh. Bummer! Time-out,” which […]

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  • Oh, the old bath time.

    We have a routine that works pretty well for us on “normal” evenings. After dinner, Trent gives Carson a bath so I can do the dishes and clean up the kitchen without “help.” Carson still LOVES bath time and it is not unusual for him to want to stay in there for at least an […]

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  • Pregnancy Anecdote

    It’s actually not from this time around, but when I was preggo with Carson…. It was July, so I was about 7 months big. It was July, so it was HOT. One of my best friends, Howie, came to visit from Cali, and she got me one of the best gifts ever…a pregnancy massage! She […]

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  • Inspector Tompkins

    I know the 2 Grandmas that watch Carson when I work think of all kinds of fun things to entertain him. This particular day, Grandma Jo found a big magnifying glass that she uses for quilting. Evidently, it was quite a hit, and Carson went around inspecting the room and most of his toys and […]

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    No, not twins. Stop asking. SO, it’s a long story. Hang in there with me. My husband, Trent, is a physical therapist at the main hospital in town. I don’t want to use the name to try to maintain some decorum and professionalism. 🙂 He works primarily with kids, but also some adults in an […]

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  • Make-Believe

    We have entered a fun new phase in child-development, and that is the world of pretend. Carson is often pretending to be a dog, lion or truck, and he also has a pretend puppy that follows him around (no name announced yet). When he wanted to be superman, we showed him it’s fun to add […]

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  • Not just for the hearing impaired.

    I found out yesterday just how addicted I am to closed captioning. Yes, I’m addicted to having the closed captioning at the bottom of the screen, especially during movies. It started right after Carson was born. When he was napping or nursing or something, we would want to watch a show or movie, but keep […]

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