Jen Tompkins

  • So. Cal. Part 2

    I have to say, Di, you are so sweet to ask for more details about our trip! Because really, this is the equivalent of trapping all of you friends in my living room and showing slides of our trip. Only this time you can browse quickly and/or walk out of the room and I’ll never […]

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  • BOO!

    I interupt these happy vacation posts to share with the world my enormous frustration and disappointment, primarily with myself. Somehow I misunderstood all the legal jargon when reading through the requirements for renewing my teaching license. Today I got my renewal form and poured over it carefully and realized I need SIX graduate level semester […]

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  • So. Cal. Day 1

    We flew into John Wayne airport in Orange County, and this is what you see as you are driving out of the airport. We got a rental car, which was worth every penny for the independence and not having to move Carson’s carseat for the entire week. Soon after I took this picture, I got […]

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  • Recovering

    We are finally home after a great vacation, and now I need another vacation to recover! I have 212 pictures (mostly from Disneyland), so I know there will be many picture posts coming. A few of the highlights were seeing friends and family–sometimes only for one night, sometimes for a few days; Disneyland was a […]

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  • The Hunt

    On Saturday (day before Easter) Daddy T and Carson went with Gma & Gpa Tompkins and Michelle to an Easter egg hunt at a country club in town. (I stayed home to work on my paper–did I mention it’s now done?) Here’s some pics of Carson’s first hunt. This was the room for newborns through […]

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  • Done!

    As of 1:48 this afternoon, I am DONE with my class! Yeah! Oh, man, it feels good. Three rough weeks, but I will say it was probably the quickest and cheapest way for me to take care of that so that I can renew my license. The final paper turned out to be 13 pages, […]

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  • I’m Pro-Noun

    Oops. Forgot to put the lid on the sandbox table. Oh well. Now it’s the mud table.It is quite humorous listening to Carson work on learning the English language. One of the phrases we are working on is “WHO is that?” Whenever I get off the phone, he says “What was that?” And I gently […]

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  • Update

    The blog breaks are continuing, and I am as busy as predicted, but wanted to update those of you who are interested: *Still pregnant. 24 weeks, I think. Lots of little kicks and punches inside. Big brother is ridiculously cute about it all, wanting lots of kisses for his little sister. Today he even wrapped […]

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  • Kissin’ Cousins

    I don’t know if it’s still considered a confession when most of you know this, but here goes anyway: Trent and I are related. By more than our marriage. This uncomfortable punchline was discovered almost 12 (!) years ago in the summer of 1996 when we first started dating. Our parents lived only about 40 […]

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  • Big Boy…big changes!

    I have to take a moment to announce an exciting new change in the household–the crib is dissasembled and the big boy bed has taken it’s place! Carson has been told about this coming change for many days, and has seemed excited about it. We even checked out some big beds that some of his […]

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