Jen Tompkins

  • Who knew?

    It turns out that Portland has a pretty awesome children’s museum. For some reason, I’ve never really had a desire to go, b/c I figured most of the activities would be for preschool and up. I was mistaken! The other day three 2-yr-olds went with their baby sister, baby brother, cousin and mommies to the […]

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  • I’d like to make a dedication, vol. 4

    So often since I’ve started blogging, I’ve had delusions of grandeur that I would make a birthday dedication post to all my friends and family who I know read this blog. I think I did it once, maybe, for my husband. Well, today makes twice! Today is my amazing sister-in-law’s birthday. Mike and Becky started […]

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  • Happy Girl

    Ever since college I have loved magazines. I love reading in general, and it extends past my English lit degree to the trivial pleasures of reading fresh-off-the-stand magazines. Currently, I have a subscription to 4 magazines, and would have more if I had the $$$. I wouldn’t say these four areas summarize me completely, but […]

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  • Fess Up and Make Me Happy

    I totally stole this jpg from Kristi’s blog because she and I have talked about this topic several times….the nature of blogs is that you hop around and look at your friends’ friends’ blogs, or your aquaintances’ blogs, but you don’t comment. So now is the time, people! Friends, family, strangers, long-lost lurkers, time to […]

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  • Close call

    Whoa. We almost just had to have our first conversation with a 2 year old about death. Our fish, Nemo, (yes, I know he looks nothing like Nemo) was milimeters from being down the kitchen drain. His poor little bowl gets very dirty because we are lazy pet keepers–which is precisely why we have a […]

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  • Cravings

    Sometimes I don’t know if it’s technically correct to classify something as a “craving” when it is a food that I like even when I’m not pregnant. However, this is something kind of unique that was sitting in my cupboard for 7 months untouched, until several weeks ago when I got it out. Since then, […]

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  • California Adventure

    The last year that Trent and I lived in Orange County was 2001, and Disney was building and completing their new park, California Adventure. We had annual passes to Disneyland and went really often, but our passes expired in June and we were moving to Oregon in August, so we never paid the $$ to […]

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  • Tough Read

    True to form, I just finished reading this book that was all the rage about 4 years ago. Whoa. It was a tough read. I don’t mean that I had a hard time pushing through it. If any of you have read Wicked, the book that the broadway musical was based on, now that book […]

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  • The Happiest Place on Earth

    I gotta tell ya: I was really excited about Disneyland. I had high hopes, despite my claims that I was keeping my expectations low. This was a vacation spot for us as kids, Trent and I went dozens of times when we were in school, and they just go over the top to make it […]

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  • I fought the law…

    ….and I WON! This is really good news, people. I had NOT misread the legal jargon in the teaching license paperwork. All previous paperwork had said I only needed those 3 credits, but this NEW paperwork that I just received said I needed 6 credits. Dr. Roy encouraged me to look back over my paperwork […]

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