Jen Tompkins

  • Woop Woop!

    Trent started running a couple years after we got married. He still insists he is not “serious” about it–even saying he’s doesn’t want the title of runner. Well, this weekend he completed his NINTH marathon, and we were discussing how many he needs to run before he accepts the title. He has run Portland 3x, […]

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  • Yeah me!

    I forgot to mention that this weekend at the beach I got on a bike for the first time since being pregnant. It was kind of an experiment, because I wasn’t sure how I would do with an extra 25-30 pounds and having my center of gravity greatly altered. But I did it! Tonight we […]

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  • Yes, I’m actually asking for your opinion.

    **Post-edit** Thank you all for your good suggestions and kind offers in the comments! I do want to clarify, in case our aquaintances ever stumble onto the blog, that they did attempt to return it. The miscommunication was that they left it at the church and we didn’t know that. Then the church didn’t know […]

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  • Beach Getaway

    My side of the family has made it kind of a tradition to try to do a weekend getaway each spring. It has usually been to Black Butte, due to a friendly gift of free rental house, but this year it was at Pacific City on the coast…due to a friendly gift of free rental […]

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  • One more swim video

    Whenever Carson would go under the water, his teacher would let him give her a high-five that knocked her into the water. He thought that was so funny and mentioned it to me afterwards several times. Also, then he got to go to the toy basket and get a new water toy. I don’t think […]

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  • Stickers

    Especially on the nights after I’ve taught all day, I’m always a fan of games that involve me NOT getting up. This is one he came up with the other night.

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  • Swimming Lessons!

    These last two weeks, Carson and Trent took a parent/tot swimming lesson at one of the local pools. The classes are every night a week for 2 weeks! I think the main goal (at least, our main goal) was for Carson to have a positive experience in the water and get comfortable being there, even […]

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  • Oooo! Good one! (Strong opinions to follow.)

    I haven’t posted about American Idol yet, even though we watch it and probably many of you do too. But last night’s episode was so chat-worthy, I can’t help myself! First, I thought Sayesha did a really great job. I really like her voice and the Broadway thing was good to her. I did NOT […]

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  • Seriously!

    Seriously, how beyond adorable is my nephew Jack!?!? This is not even that great of a photo–I mean it’s not artistic, he’s not smiling, it has bad lighting (it was taken in a Subway restaurant), and I left his binky in. And yet, he is still mind-numbingly cute. His eye-lashes are the envy of every […]

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  • And just like that, the dream is over.

    I’ve complained (sometimes at length) about my son’s sleeping (or lack-thereof) habits, so it is not news to most of you. I think you’ll recall the recent vacation of 9 straight days of 6:15 ams. Well, after we got back, it was like Carson was so happy to be back in his room and his […]

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