Jen Tompkins

  • Pregnancy Musings Vol. 3

    36 weeks. I am so, so hot. No, don’t worry, I haven’t had a 180 in my self-esteem since the short hair cut, I mean I am so freaking HOT all the time I have new empathy for menapausal women and all people who live in Arizona. I cannot seem to regulate my body temperature […]

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  • Mini-feed

    Do any of you have Facebook? They have this thing called the mini-feed that summarizes any activity over the last few days. I have not taken any pictures, but here is our mini-feed at the Tompkins house: 1.Jen got her hair cut short. Oh yes. Too late to go back now. Pictures to come.2.Carson got […]

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  • Looking back…

    I was a good girl and backed up dozens of pictures of Carson’s first 9 months of life onto a CD that is catalogued away. They are also on our old laptop. But I came across most of them on a thumb drive yesterday and had a blast looking through pictures I haven’t seen in […]

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  • Dance Fever

    One of our favorite reality shows is back on, as of last night: So You Think You Can Dance. We started watching it a couple years ago and got addicted the year Benji won. Last year we were even more diligent about watching it, and even got Carson liking it b/c he would dance along. […]

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  • Oh, the TRAUMA

    Carson’s hair was getting really long and hard to manage. I like a little bit of big boy hair–I mean, it took 2 years for him to have ANY–but I thought maybe it was time for a short, low-maintenance, summer cut. My mom has usually cut his hair, and it’s not always been a breeze. […]

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  • Strange, Hot Days; Great Husband

    So. We don’t have AC. These last 2 hot days were strange for us, especially last night and today. The day went well yesterday. Daddy had bought a $10 kiddie pool that we played in and stayed pretty cool. But when evening came, the heat was just draining every ounce of energy I had, and […]

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  • Stickers

    Especially on the evenings after I’ve been subbing all day, I’m particularly fond of finding a game which does NOT involve me getting up. This is one Carson came up with a couple weeks ago.

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  • Reunion!

    This last weekend, my mom’s side of the family gathered for a reunion of sorts. My Uncle John and Aunt Marilyn, who have been ministering in Southern Asia for over 30 years, were in the states so that John could receive and honorary doctorate from his alma mater. This momentous occasion brought out the fam, […]

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  • The NAME game

    Choosing a name for your child is a huge deal. It is the first major part of their identity, and even though they have no say in the matter, they have to live with it the rest of their lives! Some friends we know have their children’s names picked out years before they even conceive, […]

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  • Integrity

    A friend of mine recently shared her family’s motto (they are raising three boys): Right is right–even when no one’s doing it. Wrong is wrong–even when everyone’s doing it. Not a bad concept to instill in our children.

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