Jen Tompkins

  • I Will Survive….potty training

    First I was afraid.I was petrified.Kept thinking I could live without you diaper-fied.Now we’ve spent so many hours, singing you the potty song,And I grew strong.And we’ve learned how to get along. 10 days into the PT, and I feel like we’ve turned a corner! I feel hopeful. This torturous transition will NOT last forever. […]

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  • Flower Power Shower

    A couple weekends ago, the Girls (Becky, Sarah, Steph and Jenna) threw me a perfect shower. We’re trying to tone it down a little with the second babies, so this was basically a glorified “family” shower. But, I’m not exactly sure how they toned it down. 🙂 Check out this spread! My FAVORITE part was […]

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  • NOT about Potty Training

    Just in case you need a post that does not use the words “undies,” “poop” “potty” and “pee,” here’s a change of pace. (Not that I get any such reprieve.) As previously mentioned, last Saturday we had a great day, with both of our families coming to our house for a Father’s Day celebration and […]

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  • PT Days 3-5 and Happy Dad’s Day!

    First, I want to give a shout-out to my hubby, whose special day to honor him started with him getting up with the munchkin and letting me sleep for another hour. I awoke to him cleaning out poop from the toddler toilet, and nothing could have made me love him more! Happy Father’s Day, Trent! […]

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  • PT Day 2

    Well, the rest of Day 1 deteriorated quickly. Rather than relying on the timer, Carson seemed to master the art of peeing in minuscule increments, approx 7 minutes apart, so that he could maximize his sticker and candy potential, and maximize my patience level and lower back pain. By the time nap time rolled around, […]

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  • Potty Training D-Day.

    6:50 am. The subject wakes up in a good mood. Excellent sign. Go straight to the bathroom, take off diaper and PJ’s; sit on potty. Success! Continue the routine introduced last night: sit on potty for a minute = one sticker on the chart. Produce visible matter in potty = one peanut M’n M. So […]

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  • 28 years ago….

    Ah! Maybe the secret to potty training is in this picture….the trainee needs white cowboy boots with fringe and no undies. Note to self. This is the “boots ‘n buns” pic my dad referred to in the comments of the previous post. Yes, that cute toosh belongs to yours truly.

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  • Here we go!

    My dad has a saying. When he knows he needs to get something done, he’ll take some kind of action or announcement or purchase that takes him past the point of no return. The saying is “I threw my shoes over the fence.” In other words, I don’t really want to go over the fence, […]

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  • Woohoo!

    I made some changes on the blog layout. Hope you like it! Because it took me a long time to figure it out. 🙂

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  • Dreams

    Wow, thanks for all your sweet comments on the last post. If I could have foreseen that I might have gained 30 pounds, cut my hair and whined about it a long time ago. 😉 Sorry, one more pregnancy post this week. Another symptom I have had in both pregnancies is that I have really […]

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