Gonna have to take a detour from the routine post & pics because my precious firstborn has, in these troubled times, used his master hiding skills to find new homes for the camera battery AND our TV remote control. The remote has nothing to do with the blog, just another minor inconvenience in my life. […]
Jen Tompkins
Making a conscious effort
It is already painfully obvious to me how the old stereotype of firstborn children receiving more attention (especially as babies) has become so prevalent in our society. There’s just no denying it…parents will never be able to give as much undivided time and attention to their other kids as babies as they did to their […]
Starting tomorrow…
Starting tomorrow, the honeymoon is over and I officially have to begin learning how to be a mommy of 2 kids with a husband who works. Trent’s 2 week baby-break is over and he’s going back to work. He has been such a huge help, so I’m kind of nervous. The biggest issue is when […]
Daddy Time
I think I mentioned a few posts ago that after Sydney was born, Trent and Carson went ahead and joined his family for a short camping trip at Diamond Lake. It sounds like they had a great time camping and fishing and hanging out together. I can tell it was also some special time between […]
11 days old
So, of COURSE I jinxed myself after my last post. The last 2 nights Trent and I had to take turns trying to get Sydney to go back to sleep! So much for the dream sleeper. BUT, she still is more mellow in her refusal to sleep. She grunts and fusses and sometimes cries, but […]
Life so far…
Wow. So, getting used to 2 kids has been fun and challenging and interesting. Carson has been doing pretty well. We have good moments and bad moments. The good moments are when he wants to hold her, kiss her gently, bring her toys, play peek-a-boo. The bad moments are when he comes up and slaps […]
Some of the details…
So, as previously posted, my labor and delivery with Sydney was much faster than with Carson. With Carson I had strong contractions less than 5 minutes apart starting on Tuesday night at midnight. He was born a short 36 hours later. In the meantime, my body was refusing to dilate, I missed 5 meals, Carson’s […]
Different Camera
Here are some more pics from Sydney’s birthday. These are from our camera, so they are when she was really FRESH! Carson was a little unsure, but very excited to meet his little sis. He was with Gma Tompkins in Winco when they got the call, and she said he was jumping up and down […]
She’s here! Sydney Paige Tompkins made her debut yesterday morning at 9:41 am. She weighed in at 7 lbs, 12 oz. Even after all that “get ready” yada yada on my previous post, turns out I did not really think she was ready, so I was pretty surprised when my contractions started coming on strong […]
Hurry up and wait.
As requested by Rory, here’s a brief baby update. Warning: medical/anatomical jargon to follow, possibly TMI for some readers. Went to the doc this morning and I am “a good 3 cm” dilated and the cervix is “softening up really nicely” to at least 60% effaced. I even had a contraction while being measured, but […]