Jen Tompkins

  • That’s more like it.

    This picture is kind of how I imagined having 2 kids would be like. Older sib would happily entertain and thrill younger sib, who would squeal and smile in delight for hours on end at the wonderful amusement while I snuck into the other room to remember what being productive feels like. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh, my! […]

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  • Old and new friends

    It hasn’t been hard to make friends here in Salem, since we moved about a year and a half ago. It has been hard to make GOOD friends. It’s hard to leave a place where family are your friends and friends become family. It’s easy enough for me to meet other moms, but to really […]

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  • Green thumb? NOT from his mother.

    Here’s some pics of Carson participating in one of his favorite helping activities at Gma Jo-Jo’s. She’s got a bunch of gorgeous flowers in their yard, and last summer he began the routine of helping her water them. He even has his own watering pot. As you can see, he takes it quite seriously! Inside, […]

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  • How much fun can one kid have?

    And how many pictures can his mom post? Both are yet to be determined. Be prepared…I’m having a hard time deciding which ones to post. * At WiNeMa, there is a little inlet that takes water from the ocean to the lake. It changes in size and shape, but there is usually a large pool […]

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  • A few pics for now…

    As mentioned, we had a great time this weekend. Although we call it camping–because we are at a “camp,” cook and eat outdoors and usually have to walk to get to a restroom–we were not roughing it too badly. Since we had such a young baby, the registration people took pity on us and gave […]

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  • This building made me cry.

    When most of you readers see this picture, you see a big, ugly warehouse. But for a select few, you see what I see: memories. The name of this eyesore is The Missions Building. It was built in 1971 and is the main gathering place for Camp WiNeMa on the Oregon coast. When I was […]

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  • Before I leave…

    I knew I’d better put a quick post up before we leave for the weekend, because my last post has the word “boobs” in it, and no males will comment on that. We are off to WiNeMa this weekend: another camping trip! We’re really looking forward to spending some time at the beach and with […]

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  • A Sign of the Times

    A sense of urgency while stuck in traffic, circa 2000: I’m late for a movie and I do NOT like missing the previews! A sense of urgency while stuck in traffic, August 26, 2008: An 85% potty trained child saying “Mommy, I have to go poop RIGHT NOW,” a screaming, hungry infant and leaky boobs. […]

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  • It’s the little things

    Sometimes, it’s really funny what will really lift my spirits. Last weekend, it came in the form of a neighbor’s garage sale. Some of you knew that I had come to despise my kitchen table. (Our kitchen table also doubles as our dining room table in this cozy house.) It was one of those ones […]

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