Jen Tompkins

  • And that would make me? Old.

    Last week I had my first sub job since having Syd. It was at a private elementary school that pays really well, so even though I didn’t plan on starting this month, I decided to take it. Holla to my mom for watching the kids, even though Sydney is boycotting bottles quite with some determination. […]

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  • THREE!

    We had a lovely little party for C-dogg yesterday on my parents’ beautiful deck. It was a bit warm, but not bad. You know, there are days when you realize how much you are loved, and it is so humbling. But on the days when I see how loved my children are? It just makes […]

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  • Feeling pretty proud of myself.

    I just took this picture about 10 minutes ago, and finished decorating it about 11 minutes ago. I’m extremely paranoid that something is going to happen to it in the next 36 hours. We’re having a little b-day party for Carson on Sunday, but this afternoon was my only chance to get some alone time […]

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  • Deep [blog] thoughts. By Brazenlilly.

    I was talking with two of my blogger friends last night, Kristen and Beth, and I mentioned to them that I have a hard time remembering to blog about anything other than my kids these days. Then I remembered that writing about and posting pictures of my kid was kind of why I started blogging […]

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  • As Mariah Carey said…

    “You’ll always be my baby.” My baby boy turns THREE YEARS OLD today! I really can’t believe it. Each year on our birthdays, my parents would gushingly (what?! it’s a word!) look at us and say, “______ years ago at this time, we were rushing to the hospital!” or ” I remember the day you […]

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  • Mom’s shoes.

    As mentioned, my family has a weakness for nostalgia and pictures, in particular, are our precious family wealth. Here’s a gem: * This is my little bro, Mike, circa 1981. This is Carson 2 weeks ago.

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  • “Mom! My bottom’s not working!” The sequel.

    Some of you remember that conversation when C-man was a little constipated. Today we had a variation of it. I heard this from our master bathroom: “Mom! This toilets not working! I need to move to the other potty!” So we moved his bare bum to the toddler pot in the front bathroom. As usual […]

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  • Well. That’s a first.

    Yesterday afternoon our doorbell rang. We were all in the front rooms, so I answered it. There were 2 neighbor girls there, about 7 years old. I’ve met them in passing before a few times. One of them said “Can Carson come out and play?” Huh? Um…..I….don’t know. Trent and I just looked at each […]

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