Jen Tompkins

  • Even more Carsonisms

    OK, seriously, my son cracks me up. I can’t even remember all the funny things he says. I’m loving this part of 3 years old. Lots of talking and conversation all day. Except this conversation that happens a lot. Imagine me doing the dishes and Carson talking but also kind of gazing off, not exactly […]

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  • Sneak Peek

    OK, obviously my recipe post bored you all, judging by the ONE comment. (Yes, I tend to judge my posts by how many comments I get.) So, here’s one that should please you more. Here are some very recent pics of my sweet Syd. She is growing so fast, and I fall more in love […]

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  • Spaghetti, Ice Cream Sandwiches and Apple Crisp

    Let’s share! As a post script to my last post, I’m sharing with you some of my favorite recipes. May I suggest you read, copy if you’d like, but then you post a recipe on your blog that others might like. Maybe it’s your signature dish, maybe not. 🙂 Celeste already started the trend with […]

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  • Signature

    Do you have a signature dish? Did you grow up with one at your house? I guess, in its truest sense, a signature dish would be one that the author cook actually invents and creates the recipe. You know “secret ingredients” and all that. Well, I do not foresee in my future that I will […]

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  • A contradiction?

    OK, I hope I don’t step on any toes here. This is just my personal opinion. For some reason, I tend to steer away from “character” clothes and/or decor. Let me explain. I would probably not buy Carson clothes that have Diego or Spiderman on them. A shirt or two here and there or PJ’s […]

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  • Better late than never!

    I forgot to post a picture of our baby announcement for those of you who didn’t get one in the mail. Stamps are expensive, so it was a short list…don’t be offended. My brother made these for us, and I LOVE them. You know, for a reasonable fee, he might consider freelancing for your next […]

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  • Acquisition

    My mom is an elementary school teacher, and my dad is an education professor, so they’ve helped me notice nuances of Carson’s language aquisition and how fascinating it really is. And also, sometimes it’s just kind of funny. 🙂For instance, yesterday we were playing in the living room with Cootie, a new birthday game from […]

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  • Another Carsonism

    Me: Why don’t you try that again, and talk to me like a nice person.Carson: I’m NOT A PERSON! I’m a BIG BOY!**This morning I realized I too easily get sucked into trying to rationalize with a 3 year old. This is the conversation on the way to Bible study this morning: C: AAAA! Waaaa! […]

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