Jen Tompkins

  • Is this better?

    OK, after subjecting you to that last post, I thought I would post a more pleasing holiday number. I’ve performed a lot of songs over the years, but a few stand out as favorites, and this is one of them. This definitely wasn’t our best performance (or our most formal, as you can see) but […]

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  • You MUST hear this.

    I beg of you. Listen all the way to the end. And let the Christmas season begin! This is dedicated to Mrs. Marple who keeps this fun tradition alive each year.

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  • Question

    Does anyone know how I can post a SONG? I have an mp3 that I want to share. I only know how to do pics and vids. Help!

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  • Proud Mama

    Oh yes. Big day in our household. Carson went to the dentist for the first time! Our friend Beth (Wow, Beth! 2 shout-outs in 2 weeks!) recommended a pediatric dentist in town, and I am so thrilled. I’ve read that little kiddos should go to the dentist even before age 3, but I just couldn’t […]

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  • He’s no Brian Williams, but…

    I admit it: I am relieved that the election (and political commercials) are over. But I was struck last night with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Not necessarily for the choice of president-elect, although he seems like a neat man and I wish the best for him, but for living in this country where I […]

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  • My Mornings

    First, I will add a few photos of our fun Halloween night to those posted by Steph and Becky. We’ve kind of started a tradition of going to the BCC harvest party with our gang. Check here and here to see the previous years costumes. This year we added pizza–I’m a fan–and more children. We […]

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  • Business Venture #1

    OK, I’m putting my salesgirl hat on. If you’re not interested, just skip this and wait until my next normal post. I got this idea when I posted the cool baby announcement Mike made for me. (I’m too lazy to find the link. Just keep scrolling down if you want to see it.) Heidi asked […]

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  • Seriously! (plus)

    **Author’s edit: after I posted this, I added a comparison pic at the bottom. Be sure to check it out. Seriously, how cute is this?! My friend Beth MADE this little tutu and headband for Sydney. I finally remembered to take advantage of the nice weather and get a photo-op before it got too cold. […]

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  • Sock it to me.

    OK, wow, I’ve not been living up to my own frequent-blogging standards. Sorry about that. I’ve been busy this week helping the girls with their consignment sale. It was such a hoot! I don’t think any of us thought it would be so big–I’m talking amount of clothes (could barely fit it on our racks) […]

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  • My neurosis. And at least one perfect picture.

    You’d think I’d have figured it out by now, but sometimes I forget to lower my expectations. In some cases, I do really well. For instance, when we went to California last spring, I mentally prepared myself for NO sleeping in whatsoever, for a moody and challenging toddler while I single-mommed it for a few […]

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