Jen Tompkins

  • Day 3

    Oh great. Di has issued a challenge of posting our daily Christmas countdown activities. I make NO PROMISES! But I will try. 🙂 Now you all have to make comments. First, I have to record some new Carsonisms before I forget. I remember before I had a talking child, and people would tell me the […]

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  • Day 2

    Today’s Christmas countdown activity was to have hot chocolate with whip cream and sprinkles. It was a hit! We only had 2 Christmas mugs, so I had the ol’ George Fox University mug–not festive, but did the job.Some people have asked for the list of things we are going to be doing. I’d be glad […]

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  • Christmas Countdown!

    First, I would like to point out that the funny pic of Carson at the bottom of the last post has an subtle yet humorous detail. He puts his flip-flops on himself and rarely gets the little toe-strap in the right place. Look closely. 🙂 * As I mentioned in a previous post, we’ve been […]

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  • Thanks Day

    We’ve had a busy weekend, probably like the rest of you! We had a fab Thanksgiving with Trent’s side of the family. We snuck outside for a quick family photo op. Auntie Tara lovin’ on Sydney. We had a great adult: child ratio. It was about 20:2. The grown-up kids enjoyed playing Rock Band on […]

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  • Taboo?

    So, I was thinking the other day about taboo things amongst mommies–at least in the circles I’ve been in. I’ve been fortunate to make friends and aquaintances in several different venues…church Bible study, family, college friends, friends we’ve at the parks (indoor and outdoor), etc. It’s so easy to strike up a conversation with another […]

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  • Ramblings

    First, I needed to post this pic of my C-man. Somehow, I hadn’t seen it until last week. It was taken by Mike at the beach last April. I love it. Sometimes I need to just sit and look at this picture, or go in his room when he is sleeping. It reminds me that […]

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  • Rest In Peace

    In Memorandum On Thursday, November 20, Quirky Pink Onesie was laid to rest, tightly wrapped in a plastic bag in the family’s outdoor garbage can. QPO was a faithful member of the 3-6 month clothing family. Although never considered a favorite because of her inexplicable whimsical drawings of baby deer and mushrooms, she was often […]

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  • The Perfect Storm?

    We’ve entered into a window of time in the ages of our kiddos that is refreshing. Really, it is Sydney’s age that is the window, as she is changing so quickly. She’s old enough now (almost 5 months) that she’s not SO very fragile. I don’t–and she doesn’t–flinch EVERY time Carson comes bounding over. He’s […]

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  • Post Weekend Report

    I am going to attempt to script 2 conversations for you.***Convo #1. Last Tuesday. Me, Hubby and sis-in-law at the house. Jen: Yeah, Trent’s going to take the kids on Saturday so I can have a girls night.Tara: Are you taking Sydney?Jen: Nope!Tara: Wow! So Trent’s going to have them overnight?Trent: [in an exaggerated mocking […]

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  • Yum-o

    I can’t even tell you how crazy I am about my baby girl. I just want to eat her up. Her little bald head, gorgeous blue eyes and funky little Carson ears! Love it all. But the last couple of weeks, she went from being a fabulous sleeper–day and night, to waking up several times […]

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