Jen Tompkins

  • More Christmas

    Here are some more pics from our Christmas. They are from Mike’s cam, as you can tell by his experimenting with the self-portraits. I did not take a ton of pictures, and those I did take were not that stellar. But I will post some of mine soon. We were with my family on Christmas […]

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  • Happy Hangover

    No, not THAT kind of hangover. We’re having a Christmas hangover! And it’s awesome. Because of the weather, our plans changed a bit over the last few days. We live within 45 minutes (normally) from both sides of the family, but due to sketchy driving conditions, we ended up spending 2 days at each place, […]

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  • This is getting ridiculous.

    I know it’s getting dull to post about this snowstorm. I mean, the people who live here already know how crazy it is and the people who don’t live here either cannot understand without experiencing it personally or they think we are wimps because this much snow is old news. And yet–I can’t help it! […]

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  • Happy Birthday, Jack! (& more)

    Today is my nephew Jack’s first birthday. I don’t get to see him in person, so I need to give him a blog shout-out. I am so crazy about this kid–you have no idea! Well, if you have a niece or nephew, you probably do have an idea. It’s a different kind of affection than […]

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  • Snow honeymoon is OVER.

    OK, after that blissful snow post, I’m done with the white stuff. Bring me back my safe, ice-free roads so I can get the heck OUT OF MY HOUSE! What’s funny is, I’m actually quite a home-body, but as my mother pointed out, as soon as you tell me I shouldn’t leave the house, that’s […]

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  • LONG Snow Post

    Fun times around here! And a play-by-play for the rest of you. Yesterday we watched Wall-E and had popcorn after naptime. There had been a little bit of snow, but nothing serious. Then around 4pm, the flakes starting coming down harder, so we ventured outside to check it out.By 6pm we had a really good […]

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  • Slacking a bit…

    We’ve had a few funky days on our Christmas countdown. Thursday Trent worked late, so we didn’t do a big fanfare as usual. I just played some of Carson’s board games with him as an activity. Then on Friday, Carson got to go to Aunt Michelle’s work party with Michelle, Mimi, Sydney and Tara (I […]

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  • Chop-chop, Dilly Bars, Jesus and Poop

    So, I cut my hair the other day! Well, that’s not true. My favorite hair girl, Sara N, recommended by Steph, cut my hair. I have basically had the same hair cut for the last 12 years, so it’s nice to switch things up every once in a while. Last night our countdown activity was […]

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  • Fun One

    Sunday was “gingerbread house” on the countdown, and it was fun! We’ve kind of been taking advantage of the fact that Carson can’t read. You see, I planned these days way in advance, and so far, at least 3 times the circumstances of the day make me feel like doing something different than planned, so […]

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  • For Chad and Tara

    OK, yeah, the “post a picture every day thing”? That’s not gonna happen. Sorry, Diane. 🙂 I’ll keep you very informed, though. Before I tell you about our last 2 countdown days, I need to make a shout-out. * To my wonderful husband, Trent. As I have mentioned before on this blog…numerous times…I love my […]

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