Jen Tompkins

  • Misc.

    Here’s some random info and pictures from the last few days. I’ve written plenty on this blog about how frustrating my eldest is, so I should also now write that we’ve been going through a period of…let’s just say it’s been more enjoyable than not. He has been especially helpful with Sydney, and she is […]

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  • Who’s the fairest of them all?

    OK, again with the unmade bed. (Confession: I feel like I am perpetually cleaning our front rooms, and I’m tired and exhausted and distracted by the time I’m done, so my room is the last to be cleaned. But I do occasionally make the bed, contrary to evidence on this blog.) This is a cute […]

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  • Tagged

    Isn’t blogging so cool? I mean, I remember thinking that blogging was for geeks and political nutjobs. Now, it is a fairly low-maintenance way for me to keep in touch with so many friends–old and new. It is also a way for me to document our day-to-day lives–I’m working on getting it a little more […]

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  • Beach Weekend

    For several years we have had the opportunity to get away for one weekend each spring with my side of the family. It started at Black Butte when a friend gifted us a weekend there several times in a row. At that time it was just my parents, Mike & Becky, and Trent & me. […]

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  • This kid makes me laugh!

    He makes me scream, cry, pull my hair out, practice my deep, calming breathing more than I’ve ever needed to in my life and drink my weight in coffee each day, but he really does make me laugh! When he was really little, we were told many times that boys will make a gun out […]

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  • Safety first, people.

    This is what I found when I went to get Syd’s carseat this morning. Hee! And Happy Birthday to Abby! From your best friend (even though you don’t know it yet.)Can you feel the love?

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  • Filler, yes, but cute filler.

    I know I haven’t been posting much this last week, and what I did post was boring. Our family caught the same cold bug that everyone else had, with fever and something called RSV on top of it. Now both children have inhalers. Also, Trent was out of town for 4 days. Also, I had […]

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  • You have not because you ask not?

    This Christmas, my dear Auntie C gave us some little gifts (even though we technically weren’t supposed to exchange, but she got out on a technicality–she planned and bought before the rule was made– and the fact that she’s the oldest sib!). In the box, which was labeled from Santa, I found things that only […]

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  • Hmmmm…suspicious!

    So, I got a new camera for Cmas. It is small and pink and just for me. When I am home, I am mean and don’t let Carson use it. He got his own digital camera last Christmas, and I direct him to use that. WELL, when I uploaded some pictures this morning, looking for […]

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  • Let’s not do that again, ‘kay?

    We had quite a crazy situation last night. Carson’s been sick for the past few days with a bad cold. Heavy cough, stuffy nose & fever. I know we have a cheap humidifier, but when we moved in it got put in the attic, so I haven’t used it for a long time. I asked […]

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