Jen Tompkins

  • Greatist Hits, vol. 2

    Here’s another of my favorite blog posts that you may have missed. It’s from over a year and a half ago, August of 2007. We had just moved into our new house and were enjoying a relaxing evening on the patio, allowing the Pantless Wonder to strut his stuff. Have you heard of that disturbing […]

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  • Z-double-O

    It’s a week late, but here’s some pictures from our trip to the zoo last week. We went with Steph, Henry, Christy & baby Bella. It was that one day that got up to 80 (California/Arizona friends, stop laughing), and we really were reminded this is the only zoo (right?) in Oregon, because it was […]

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  • Beach fun

    We had a great weekend at what we decided we would call the first annual grown-ups only getaway with our great friends. We stayed in a house overlooking the beach and we had great coversation, played games, slept, ate a LOT, watched movies, and cheered valiantly for our Blazers. We missed our kids, but truly […]

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  • Caution: disgusting photos.

    Seriously, proceed with caution. I’m going for an overshare with the picture journaling in this post. But I’ll get to that in a minute. * We’ve been working on letters with Mr. Carson for a while now, like most parents do. For a long time, he was pretty shaky on the details, as is to […]

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  • A gem.

    So, I had every intention to post pictures of our zoo trip today (to supplement Steph’s post), but then this happened tonight, and it is too good to postpone. We like to go back and look at our friends’ & family’s blogs, & Carson especially likes the videos. He stumbled again onto this video of […]

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  • I *heart* resale!

    I was familiar with the concept of consignment sales before last year, but my addiction has blossomed into full force recently. The main reason for this is (shameless plug coming) the Cousin’s Closet Consignment Sale. I shopped the first one, last June. It was the week before Sydney was born. I was shocked to find […]

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  • Easter

    As predicted, the umbrellas & raincoats were out in full force on Easter here in the gorgeous, green and rainy Pacific Northwest. Also, as predicted, the day was very busy and started early. I was out the door by 6:45, and Trent & the kids followed me 30 minutes later. No time for photo-ops & […]

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  • Greatest Hits, vol. 1

    This last St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th, I forgot to wish myself a happy blog-birthday! I’ve been blogging for 3 years. I started blogging because of Mike, Steph, Jim, Eric and the Pjaks. Then it kind of grew into it’s own monster, and I like to think that I had a strong role to play […]

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  • You’re afraid of what, now?

    So, a few of my friends know that we’ve been going through a phase with Carson these last few weeks. He is suddenly very afraid at night time. It’s been a roller coaster between slightly scared/probably stall-tactic, to hysterical screaming, shaking and terrified crying MANY times a night. At first, he wouldn’t tell me what […]

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  • Birdie Bath

    Many of you know that one of my nicknames for Sydney is Bird (or birdie, birdie-bird, little bird–you get the idea). It just rolled off my tongue one day when she was a newborn, and kind of stuck. It’s turned out to be fairly appropriate, as she’s quite petite, she eats her food in small […]

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