Jen Tompkins

  • “Give me an occupation, Miss Dashwood, or I shall run mad.”

    That’s one of my favorite lines in one of my favorite movies, Sense & Sensibility. The woman that he loves is gravely ill, and most likely going to die. Colonel Brandon is waiting, like the rest of the house, for some news or some change, and the helplessness is killing him. Not only does he […]

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  • A new kind of embarassment.

    Confession time. The other day the kids and I were walking in a public place and I decided it would be a perfectly acceptable time to, well, I’m just going to say it: to pass a little–a LITTLE–gas. Victimless crime, no?Enter: LoudMouth ThreeYearOld. “MOM, you SMELL DIRTY!” Huge fake smile, grab his arm and walk […]

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  • Reality doesn’t always bite. (opinion piece)

    I always bristle at the term “reality television.” For some reason, that phrase reminds me of the non-scripted shows that I DON’T like (such as any dating “contest”). By nature, I am a fan of well-written comedies or dramas, with good acting and clever dialogue. By reputation, I like to cling to snobby literary choices. […]

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  • Simply adore.

    This little lady has no shortage of adoring male fans in the house. Her daddy and her brother practically compete to see who can give her more kisses, who will be the first to greet her in the morning, and who can make her laugh the most. There is no better word to describe their […]

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  • To three or not to three?

    …that is the question. At least, that is a question that seems to have come up a few times in our house lately–whether or not we’ll have a third kiddo. Partly it is frequently under discussion between Trent and me, and also, Carson chimes in quite a bit about his desires. Fortunately, we are not […]

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    “The sun is out! Hurry! We’re going outside THIS MINUTE before it goes away!” This is basically what I said yesterday. Good thing, too, because today is like out of a movie set on the day when they were going for “gloomy and wet” backdrop. Seriously, it’s ridiculous. It’s MAY for crying out loud. My […]

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  • This little piggy went…to a specialist.

    So here’s a fun little piece of trivia about our little Sydneybird…she has what we call “special toes” on her left foot. To be honest, I didn’t even notice it on the day she was born…even after I held her feet in my hands for Mike to take a picture. I don’t think he noticed […]

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  • Dance Party USA

    I was organizing all of my little 60-second videos from my digital camera the other night and came across this one. This is a very common scene in our house in the evenings. We have a well-worn dance music playlist on our iTunes, and SURPRISE!–Carson is Pantless Wonder again. Be sure not to miss his […]

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  • Carsonisms & messy mouth

    Random pics of the Birdie after eating pureed prunes. YUM! And some Carsonims: *At the dinner table, out of the blue…Carson: NOBODY PANIC!(Trent and I stop talking and just look at each other and at Carson in surprise and curiosity…)Me: Where did you learn that?Carson, smiling: Word World.Trent: What does panic mean?Carson: (thinking)Me: What does […]

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