Jen Tompkins

  • Annual Campout

    Many of you know we have a big family campout on the 4th of July each year. It started in 2003, I think, back when there were only 2 generations going. We’d sit around and talk, eat, read books & magazines, take leisurely walks, and be adventurous and make rafts out of driftwood. Well, things […]

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  • For Uncle Mike

    We just got back from a wonderful and exhausting 3 days of camping, and I’m trying to get my self and our house back in working order. But to hold you over, here’s a little comparison picture (you know I love my comparison pictures) with Uncle Mike and his 2 nephews from three years ago…. […]

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    A few weeks ago, Trent read something in the newspaper (or “papernews” as Carson calls it) that he has been waiting for…for YEARS. I kid you not. Ever since we found out we were pregnant the first time, he’s talked about how excited he’d be for his kids to play sports, especially soccer. Well, turns […]

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  • Birthday Bash part 3 (and final)

    And finally, some cake pics. Thanks for taking these, Mike! Staying in character, Sydney had no desire to dive in to her special banana bread cake. She daintily poked at the frosting and was totally satisfied with that. Aunt Steph and I tried to coax her to take bigger bites, but soon she was giving […]

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  • Birthday Bash part 2

    I don’t have any pictures of the cake eating on my camera, but here’s some pics of the birthday girl opening her presents. In case you needed some clarification, the birthday girl is the one whose shirt says “BIRTHDAY GIRL.” Poor non-first-borns. Opening presents will be a family affair for a long, LOOOONG time. This […]

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  • Birthday Bash part 1.

    We decided to have Sydney’s birthday at the park this year, a perk for summer birthdays. (Her cuz, whose party was cancelled due to the snow storm, doesn’t exactly have that option!) We basically just had a “family” party, but even with both sides of our family, it’s way past 20 people! *For Carson’s first […]

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  • ONE

    Our precious Sydney turns ONE year old today! I can’t imagine our family or my life without her. She is my sweet Bird, my heart. I won’t type too much more sentimental sap, because I’ve shed plenty of joyful tears making this little picture montage for her big day. I know this song may be […]

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  • Somebody pinch me!

    To 99.9% of you, this video will be dull and boring. But to me, it is hope. It is joy. It is potential. It is a dream come true. It is…..MY CHILDREN PLAYING NICELY TOGETHER WITHOUT MY GUIDANCE!

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  • Places to go, people to see.

    In honor of her birthday approaching, this will be a pretty Birdie-centric blogweek. Sydney is ON THE MOVE, people! She is loving her newfound mobility, and it is pretty darn cute to watch. Some of these are blurry, but this is a fun feature of my camera that I tried out on the speedy girl. […]

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