Jen Tompkins

  • Mr. Independent and Ms. Overshare

    This morning was about the third time that Carson has woken up on his own, and instead of playing in his room or coming to wake up one of us, he just walked on out to the living room and sat on the couch to wait. This morning Trent found him around 7, just sitting […]

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  • Crazy fun

    We had a crazy, fun weekend with our friends who were visiting from So. Cal. Sarah was single-momming it with Tanner (2) and Peyton (5 months). We all crashed in our teeny house and totally made it work, despite it being HOT. The four days were full of fun, but didn’t feel too busy. These […]

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  • Lull

    Please excuse the temporary blog lull. Our dear friend from college, the former Ms. Howerton, is here with her 2 small kids visiting for a few days. With such a small house, we are squeezed in tight and playing fruitbasket upset to figure out all the sleeping arrangements! It’s a total blast, and the icing […]

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  • 32

    When I first started blogging, I tried to do a birthday post each year, but last year the day just slipped by. So, today, as I enter my thirty-second year of life, I will take a few moments to ponder this life. Hmmm… I saw a quote the other day that said “Blessed is the […]

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  • Lazy summer days

    We’ve managed to FEEL really busy this summer with camping trips, birthdays, bbq’s, visitors, etc. And yet, looking back, it’s been a lot of just lazy summer days–trying not to spend too much money. 🙂 Here’s some misc. pics from the last couple weeks. This is for all the great aunties and uncles who I […]

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  • Perhaps my favorite of the Greatest Hits (vol. 3)

    The original post was written when Carson was a little older than Sydney is now, and much stronger in will and physical strength. However, sweet little Bird has been showing her own STRONG dislike for diaper changes lately, making the experience an exercise in frustration for all involved. WHICH reminded me of this explicit description […]

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  • Conversations

    Usually at night I lay down with Carson & sing him a couple songs. Tonight when I started singing some tune, he sleepily said:“No, Mom. I want the one about how the mommy’s gonna buy me some toys and a horse.”He was referring to “Hush little baby, don’t say a word, Mama’s gonna buy you […]

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  • More Misc

    Today I went out on a limb and took Carson to pick berries with me. I tried to keep my expectations low, even though I wanted to get enough to make some jam. I LOVE raspberries, and I LOVE homemade jam. He did really well! I would say we were out there for almost an […]

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  • Loved this movie…

    OK, I know we don’t all share tastes in things like music, tv, & movies, but I watched a winner last night. It was I’ve Loved You So Long starring Kristen Scott Thomas. I don’t want to tell you too much about the plot, because the slow revelation of backstory was part of the brilliance […]

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  • Around the house

    I’ve wanted flowers on my front porch for years. I’m just too lazy and cheap. Plus, I have a black thumb and tend to kill anything other than humans and one beta fish who obviously has magical, immortal powers. My mom walked me through the nursery and helped me find some basic starter flowers. I […]

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