Jen Tompkins

  • And quite a yummy hobby it is.

    So, as mentioned in my last post, I’ve become very interested in cupcakes. I think it started with Sydney’s birthday cupcakes, which I was pretty proud of, even though they kept tipping over. Then, every time I went into costco, I was drawn the the beautiful pictures in Martha Stewart’s cupcake book. I saw some […]

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  • BIG DAY!

    Sydney took her first steps! Before this, she literally had taken only one half-step. To steal a phrase from Toy Story, it really was “falling with style.” Then all of a sudden she was busting out three or four in a row this evening. Of COURSE my good camcorder was surprisingly out of battery juice. […]

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  • Probably the third most beautiful thing I’ve made

    Of course the 2 most beautiful things I’ve ever made are the Monkey and the Bird, and they are tied for first. But they count as 2 entries. And also, I can’t take all the credit for them. Another guy was involved. I won’t get into it. You’re welcome. But after this weekend, I’m thinking […]

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  • Jackeroo

    I have not been feeling particularly inspired to blog lately. In fact, I’ve been purposeful about being online less and doing actual THINGS more. (Like baking cupcakes…I’ll have a post on that soon.) I’ve noticed that I can easily spend an hour blog-hopping and reading all my friends’ witty status updates on Facebook. Then I […]

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  • The Summer of Sonic

    So, here’s the thing. I have a bit of an oral fixation. I love passing the time by sipping on something sweet. Especially when we are going for a bit of a drive; that’s when I love to have a little drinktreat. My favorite choice of a summer drinktreat is a grande no whip white […]

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  • Ode to the Minky

    These special loveys that my mom has made for the kids have turned out to be quite the must-have item in their lives. The supersoft fabric she uses for them is called “minkee” fabric, which is how we got the name Minky (I kinda changed the spelling to suit my tastes.) When Carson was not […]

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  • Embrace the Chaos.

    or, subtitle: How I knew with certainty that my children were in cahoots to push me over the edge. (What you don’t see on the vid is that right before I picked up the camera, Sydney had dumped the dominoes, was tearing up Carson’s Highlights magazine and turning the TV on and off at full […]

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  • This one’s for Diane

    We had a great visit from our dear college friend Diane last week. Carson, especially, got over his “shyness” (huge quotes on that one) quickly and I was so busy making sure he didn’t break any of her bones as he was impressing her with his acrobatic skills that I didn’t take many pics. Here […]

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  • A Short Story

    Part one:The whole thing took less than 30 seconds. I was driving in my mini-van awesomeness on Friday when the sun started to get a bit bright. I reached into the diaper bag for my sunglasses and put them on. All the time, I was ever the conscientious driver and mostly kept my eyes on […]

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  • Belated Beach post

    I don’t know how I missed posting these pics from a few weeks ago. Oh, wait, yes I do. It was the 100 degree week, and this was the first day of that stretch. It was hard to feel motivated to do ANYTHING. If you’ve never stayed in a home without air conditioning on a […]

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