Jen Tompkins

  • Toddlerville, population: CRAZY

    Oh, my sweet little bird. She still melts my heart a dozen times a day. She can be such a snuggler, and such a little tease. She loves to play games with us and make faces, and she is just getting into wanting to have books read to her. Of course, as soon as she […]

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  • Vacation Pics

    Well, since I can’t invite you all over to my living room to show you slides, this blog post will have to do. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time or energy to give this the full Jenbunch blog-treatment as I would like. There were several long and hairy moments that would now–a week or so […]

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  • Check this out

    Okay, one more procrastination post. It has no pictures of kids or cute stories, but I need to drum up a little Uppercase Living biz by the end of the month or they’re gonna cut me. I’m so not meant to be a salesperson! But, fortunately, they are having a sale on a bunch of […]

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  • Brain on overload

    I have so many stories and pictures from our vacation that the thought of trying to condense it into a blog post makes my brain hurt. So, that will have to wait until another day. Besides, the event of yesterday trump even a great vacay: my new niece, Kaitlyn Ann (my middle name!) Bunch was […]

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  • Arizona

    I don’t have any pics yet, because I forgot to bring my cord that goes from the camera to the computer, but I wanted to give you a little update on our trip. Before we left, I’d been feeling stressed and very unprepared to leave town 2 weeks before Christmas, but now that we are […]

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  • Don’t forget!

    It’s Christmas card time! Just to re-cap, I design Christmas photo cards with your pictures. See all the styles HERE. (That means click on the word “here” and it will take you to I wanted to let you know that on Wednesday, we’ll be going on vacation for 8 days…right in the heart of […]

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  • It’s beginning to look a lot like…oh, you know.

    OK, this picture has nothing to do with this post, but it is just too adorable to ignore. I think it’s pretty clear that Birdie has Grandpa Phil wrapped around her little finger! (She’s pretty intrigued by both her grandpa’s facial hair.) On Black Friday we went to get our tree with most of the […]

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  • Little Moments

    Our little Miss has been a handful lately. It’s funny to me to see that she’s becoming the more high-maintenance one. If you would have told me that a year ago, I would have never believed it would happen. They would never admit it, but I can see her gma’s and aunties are coming to […]

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  • Kissy kissy!

    So I was totally called out today by my friend Becky (whom, BY THE WAY, is a blogger because I persuaded her to become one) that I haven’t blogged in a week. Part of the reason I haven’t been blogging is that I went on a three day retreat with our church (where, BY THE […]

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  • Things today

    Here’s some randomness for Wednesday, November 11. Tonight at dinner, we had Panda Express. The kids love it. We’ve been working on getting Carson to eat more vegetables, even salad or lettuce. Tonight he willingly tried a large piece of cabbage. (I didn’t have the heart to tell him that in with fried noodles of […]

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