Jen Tompkins

  • Flashback: Potty Training

    So, I’ve been having a blast writing for Portland Moms Blog (check out my latest post about whether or not I let my daughter be a princess), but it does seem that I do not have the bandwidth to write for my own blog at the same time.  So, please forgive the silence on this site […]

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  • Confession du jour: I’m that mom

    My oldest (aka: PFB, or Precious FirstBorn) is smart and sassy.  He loves cracking jokes and making his friends laugh, but doesn’t always have a good read on the room as far as the grown-ups are concerned.  If a wise-crack comes into his mind, it comes out of his mouth, and not always at the […]

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  • Support for my hubs

    It’s not secret (or surprise) that in my marriage, I’m definitely the vocal one.  I’m the social secretary, the extrovert, the one with a blog, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account.  Trent has none of those things and checks his personal email about twice a month.  But if I’m the mouth, then he’s definitely the hands. […]

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  • Friday Favorites: how to shine.

    Ok, I have a little secret.  It’s a secret and it’s something that no one really talks about in the Church.  I feel like a lot of you are going to judge me when I tell it to you.  So, please show grace. I have a favorite book of the Bible. THERE, I said it! […]

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  • I Surrender…Some

    Is it just me?  Do you have certain problems in your life, and in the daytime they are bothersome, but at night they are LIFE SHATTERING?  I have such insomnia due to over-thinking that I have certainly lost weeks worth of sleep.  Usually I fall asleep just fine, but if I am awoken for any reason (usually […]

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  • Struck a chord–part 2

    If you didn’t read part 1, check it out here.   So, I’ve been thinking a lot about the comments people shared with me and why so many people that don’t usually respond took the time to jot something down.  I have a lot of thoughts, but they don’t necessarily come in an orderly fashion. […]

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  • Struck a chord–Part 1

    Last night I put a pic up on instagram and facebook after dinner sometime, and when I woke up in the morning, the picture had over 200 likes and  50 comments on the sites. To some bloggers, that’s nothing, but it’s more responses than I usually get for a simple instagram photo. Today I’ve been thinking about […]

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  • A new and glorious morn

    My intentions for writing about several of my favorite Christmas lyrics went the way of so many good bloggy intentions.  [Disappeared into a fog of real life.]  But it’s not too late!  Christmas hasn’t passed yet.  I loved hearing from so many of you about your favorite Christmas lyrics.  I’m almost out of time, so […]

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  • Friday Favorites: My Heart-pulls Collide

    Do you guys remember the old commercials for Reese’s PB Cups from the 80’s?   The premise was: who was the first person who combined chocolate and peanut-butter?  Because it changed the world as we know it.  I think in one of the scenes, some guys tried the combo and said “Hey, let’s go tell […]

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  • Wonders upon wonders.

    For as long as I can remember, back to early elementary school, I have sung in some sort of choir during the Christmas season.  I’m sure most of you also had Christmas programs in elementary school (back when we didn’t have to say “Holiday Program” or “Winter Vacation”) and wore angel wings or shepherds robes and sang […]

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