Jen Tompkins

  • Birthday Post

    Having a birthday this year is a good way to get me to post! I missed it one year and all my fans went crazy. And by “all my fans” I mean Steph, and by “went crazy” I mean she asked me several weeks later why I didn’t do a birthday post. It’s actually just […]

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  • Soccer

    Yep. I haven’t blogged in long time. I don’t have a great reason, other than this: I didn’t feel like it! So many times I’ve wished I could turn blogging into a money-making venture (but the first step would be putting advertising on, and I’m not ready to make that step), but then in months […]

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  • Because! I said so! And I’m too tired to think of a better reason!

    My friend Tiffaney and I were cracking ourselves up yesterday, discussing all the random rules and logic we pull out of our hindquarters during the daily parenting rigmarole. (Oh yes. I just used that word. Semi-correctly.) Because as Director of Development–aka Mommy–the one main perk of my job is that I am The Boss. The […]

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  • Random

    I forgot to post about a funny quote from Carson on the day of our referral. Carson was actually on a fun outing with Bapaw Roy when we got the call. After I picked him up, we were in the car on the way to Daddy’s work when I told him the news. He was […]

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  • How I almost cursed at the ice cream man who was a lady

    I don’t have a lot of blog fodder right now that is not a long complaint about parenting a whiney three-year-old, so I’m going to have to go elsewhere for a story. I’ve been sitting on this story for a few weeks and thought I’d share. If you’ll remember, the second week of June we […]

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  • Photo Overload

    Here’s a post for the grandmas & grandpas & aunts & uncles.*This is the first weekend in 7 that we will not be out of town, having a birthday party/Father’s Day/Referral, doing a garage or consignment sale. I’m quite happy to be past the craziest part of our summer! The last 2 weekend we were […]

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  • Asher Update

    First, a note to my other Holt Thai mamas who are “waiting to travel” (that’s what they call the torturous time between referral and homecoming): we got an update on Asher yesterday, but I heard that only a few files came through so far. The rest are supposed to come by the end of next […]

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  • What’s next?

    Thank you, everyone, for all your excitement over our news about Asher! It makes our joy so much fuller when we can SHARE it with friends and family–especially since so many of you have been instrumental in our journey! * Many people have been asking the obvious question–what now? So, here’s the scoop. After getting […]

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  • June 26

    Dearest Sydsyd, Three years ago today I went into labor with you–2 weeks early! I was expecting a Yankee Doodle Dandy baby, but was not disappointed to welcome you early. We were going through a heat wave–it was expected to be 100 on the 26th, and I also didn’t mind being in a fully air-conditioned […]

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  • The Birthday Surprise

    On Saturday, we had already planned an early birthday party for Syd. She officially turns 3 this next weekend, but we’ll be out of town. You gotta understand, our “family party” includes both sides of our family and also a few “family members” that have been a part of the gathering since before there were […]

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