I was looking back over my f@cebook posts from the year and it was a great snapshot of our lives in 2013. Granted, one must take into consideration the fact that it focuses on the fun and happy, not the ugly. But just know that there was some ugly in 2013 too. I decided to post some of the best pics, status updates and videos as a compilation of the crazy and the awesome. This is our year at a glimpse:
April 19: WHAT THE HECK. We have a murder mystery going on in the T household, and I’m the prime suspect. Our beta fish, King Kong, is missing from his bowl. I cleaned out his bowl several hours ago, and I SWEAR I specifically remember plopping his little body into the clean water. Now he is GONE. The temporary green cup he stayed in during cleaning is empty, and so is his bowl. Don’t see him in the sink, no sign of a jumper…and I am feeling the heat, people!
April 21: MURDER MYSTERY SOLVED! Asher has been cleared of all wrongdoing, and my conviction has been lessened from murder to involuntary fish-slaughter, by way of filling the bowl too full, therefore enticing King Kong the beta fish to jump free of his bowl. He (evidently) plopped off the dresser and managed to make his way under it. Ew. Glad I wasn’t the one who found him. After the fact, I said, “Maybe he just wondered what was waiting for him outside of his bowl.” Carson said “What was waiting for him was a quick trip to the garbage can.” CASE CLOSED.
We listened to this song approximately 2934 times from August to December. Our friend Uncle JJ had a rare glimpse at the VonTrapp family singers belting out Nothing But the Blood:
Asher developed a hilarious little routine, where he lip syncs passionately to silly little Sunday School songs as if he were rocking out. It never ceased to crack us all up!
*Tonight when we were reading Goodnight Moon, for some reason on the page when the cow jumps over the moon, Asher got very serious and started shaking his head. “Cow, BIG no-no.” I don’t know why, but this totally cracked me up! Think he hears those words a bit too much? I’m glad he’s found someone to boss around. Being the baby is rough!
*My two-year-old can’t speak in full sentences, but he just totally stomped me in 7 different I-Spy books. He’s too fast for me!
*I need a new measuring scale to categorize my children’s meltdowns, like they do with storms, earthquakes or fires. Today we have been hit with multiple F5’s and my inner richter scale is measuring about a 9.5. The situation is 1% contained.
*“Mom, you know that song I asked you about the other day? Well, you were wrong. It’s actually: ‘Who let the FOG out? Who? Who-who-who?'” “Um, no, it’s not. It’s DOG.” “No, it’s FOG.” “Ok, sure. You go with that.”
*“Carson, who did you eat lunch with today?” “The cold lunchers from A2. We’re kind of a club.” “Oh really? Who’s the leader of this club?” “Me. And kinda Joshua, but mostly me.” Yeah, I kinda had a feeling….
Just when you think you’re covering all your bases as a parent, you notice something. “Carson, how long have you been wearing those pants?” “Since Christmas day!” he says proudly. (That’s six days ago.) Sigh.
* Overheard from the bedroom: “Asher. I PROMISE I will catch you. I PROMISE.” Says the girl who weighs exactly 1 pound more than the child she is promising to catch. This should be interesting.
* Ignoring my frustration at their constant bickering over the play kitchen, Sydney insists on pushing through her brothers with a little menu pad and asking me “What would you like?” “I would like my kids to get along while they play.” “We don’t have that,” she deadpans. Clearly.
*Tonight the kids were discussing something and Sydney gave her opinion. She then paused and said “THAT is a good point.” About her own point! Ha!
*If you see my non-facebooking husband in the next couple of weeks, pat him on the back and tell him he was a total rock-star hubby this year. He showered me with gifts and affirmation for our anniversary–a total surprise. This from a man who once gave me an empty fish bowl for a (dating) anniversary, with a COUPON for a goldfish. That costs 29 cents. That never came. He’s come a long, long way. Love this man and so glad to have him for the last 12 years!
*So…this just happened. A) yes, he got shocked, but he is fine. B) Before you judge the crap out of me, there WAS a plug protector in the outlet and he popped it out. I gotta make dinner, people!

*Today at silver falls was one of those days where you feel like falling on the mossy ground & kissing it & thanking God you’re an Oregonian.
*My cup overflows! The first annual Called to Love Retreat was bathed in God’s presence and favor. I can’t even articulate what a blessing it was to meet so many individual moms who share a similar heart, and to work alongside this tireless, drama-less, ego-less team of women. We’re already planning for next year!
*It was a casual Easter for us. Love these faces
One of my favorite new songs from 2013 is “Your Grace Finds Me” by Matt Redman. The lyrics show how God’s grace is in every moment, the good, the bad, and yes: the ugly. I see His grace in the mundane and the phenomenal. In the joy and even in the sorrow. My goal is to keep my spiritual eyes open to it always, to continually be “breathing in your grace, breathing out your praise.” Here’s a link to the song and the lyrics below.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Love, Brazenlilly
It’s there in the newborn cry
It’s there in the light of every sunrise
It’s there in the shadows of this light
Your great grace
It’s there on the mountaintop
It’s there in the everyday and the mundane
There in the sorrow and the dancing
Your great grace
Oh, such grace
From the creation to the cross
Then from the cross into eternity
Your grace finds me
Yes, Your grace finds me
It’s there on a wedding day
There in the weeping by the graveside
There in the very breath we breathe
Your great grace
Same for the rich and poor
Same for the saint and for the sinner
Enough for this whole wide world
Your great grace
Oh, such grace
From the creation to the cross
Then from the cross into eternity
Your grace finds me
Yes, Your grace finds me
There in the darkest night of the soul
There in the sweetest songs of victory
Your grace finds me
Yes, Your grace finds me
Your great grace
Oh, such grace
Your great grace
Oh, such grace
So I’m breathing in Your grace
And I’m breathing out Your praise
I’m breathing in Your grace
Forever I’ll be
Breathing in Your grace
And I’m breathing out Your praise
I’m breathing in Your grace
Forever I’ll be
Breathing in Your grace
And I’m breathing out Your praise
Breathing in Your grace
For our God, for our God
Yes, Your grace finds me
Yes, Your grace finds me