Hello friends, family, and fellow blog stalkers!
Jen’s blog has officially been hijacked!!
(Cue maniacal laughter and adrenaline rush. This stay at home mom needs to get out more.:)
I know you probably saw this pop up on your screen and were looking forward to Jen’s witty, succinct, grammar perfect posts that leave you feeling like you just read a published article in your favorite magazine…but instead…
You get ME!
(Don’t worry, you’ll only have to put up with the large font, over-use of parenthesis, and smiley faces punctuating the end of each sentence for a short while. There will probably be a gross misuse of capitalization that looks like I’m yelling at you through the screen but it’s just ’cause I’m so doggone excited!! I promise it’s for a good cause!)
See, here’s the deal:
We ALL love Jen, even those of you who only know her over the internet, right? I mean, that girl is so doggone lovable. She is the friend everyone wishes they had. I’m sure you’ll agree that she is one amazing woman, and she’s been on one incredible journey to bring her son home.
She and her awesome fam have worn the 2 + year wait well through more ups and downs that I can count, and it is almost time to bring their little man home.
(This is where you cheer and do repeated fist pumping in the air.)
We want to party like it’s 1999 and we want all of YOU to be there!
There’s a small tribe of talented people putting together a local shower for Jen, and as soon as I can I’ll introduce them to you. Seriously, they got some skilz. So while those Pinterest-worthy ladies handle that piece I thought it’d be fun to chat with you folks and let you in on the fun. There’s more details to come, and as long as my children stay down for naps you’ll get to read about them soon.
Get yourselves ready!
Asher’s name means “happy and blessed” and we want him to know it from the get-go.
Stay tuned!