Our second yard sale for Baby T went really well! If you remember, last year’s June yard sale was ridiculously profitable. I mean, who makes $3,000 at a garage sale? But I’m completely convinced it was God-ordained, b/c we had a $3,000 payment due later that summer. My goal for this sale was $1,000. We still had a LOT of things donated, but not quite as many big ticket items. But thanks to those donations, generosity like a friend handing me $80 cash, another friend paying $300 for an item that cost $200 (which she probably didn’t really need to begin with), and so many other small and generous things added up, we made $1600!
Sidenote: this is one of the big ticket items that didn’t sell yet. I’m putting it on craigslist, but thought I’d mention it. Full surround sound 8 speaker system (plus receiver) in pristine condition. Anyone interested? Make an offer! Can’t ship, so I suppose it’s only for local-ish peeps!
This was a pic of the yard was taken on the SECOND day! We sold a ton of stuff the first day–over $850–so this was really scaled down compared to the beginning of Friday. I felt oddly satisfied when I guy came up the driveway after following the signs and said “You weren’t kidding! This IS a huge sale!” We had several tables full of stuff that you can’t clearly see in the pics.
So today I’m feeling grateful, blessed, tired and sore. I can’t wait to tell Baby T someday how hard we worked to bring him (or her) home and how so many people in our lives were willing to help in any way they could. The next few weeks are still really busy, with birthday parties, VBS, two long weekends away–one with each side of the family, Syd’s birthday and, you know, hopefully A REFERRAL in there somewhere. I promise to keep you updated as soon as I can!