We have had….a week. I’ve had no energy to post, and no pictures, news, or amusing stories to post about. But there is one thing that I’ve been working on that makes me smile when I think about it, and I want to share it with you. Several months ago, I was blog-hopping and came across this video of a Thai woman who does short video lessons to teach the Thai language. One of her sessions is teaching a children’s song called “The Elephant Song.” She says in the vid that this is like the Thai children’s national anthem. In another video I found, a Thai-American said that if you sang this song for any Thai person, their face would light up with excitement that you learned it–no matter how badly you pronounced the words. So, I’ve made it my mission for our family to learn this song so we can sing it for our little one. We’ve all got the tune and the first line down–you’ll see why that is not too hard. 🙂 I’ve got the second and last lines as well, and working our way through it. If you’re interested in the lesson, check out this first video. If not, I’ll type the lyrics and the translation, and the second video is the song, sung by children, over and over. It’s pretty cute! Enjoy!
PS: I would love, love, love to learn a simple Thai lullaby. If anyone ever comes across something like this, please let me know.
Chang, chang, chang, chang, chang,
Nong keeay hun chang rue plaow?
Chang mun thu thoi mai bow
Jamook yao yao reagwa ngooang
Mee kaw thai ngooang reagwa ngaa
Mee huu, mee thaa, haang yaw
Elephant, elephant, elephant…
Have you ever seen an elephant?
Elephants are big and impressive
Their long nose is called “ngooang”
The teeth under the ngooang are called “ngaa”
Have ears, have eyes, long tail